Plant Science Research Weekly: March 7
Blog, WWR Full PostReview: How mycorrhizal associations drive plant population and community biology ($)
Great strides have been made in discovering the molecular players that allow plants and mycorrhizal fungi to establish their symbiosis. Here, Tedersoo et al. look beyond the single plant and address how these associations…
Plant Science Research Weekly: February 28
Blog, WWR Full PostReview: Crop phenomics and high-throughput phenotyping
Crop phenomics has lagged behind crop genomics because traditional methods are time-consuming, expensive, invasive and subjective. Recently, high-throughput, automated, sensor and machine-vision methods have been developed, as reviewed by Yang…
Plant Science Research Weekly: February 21
Blog, WWR Full PostReview: In vitro analytical approaches to study plant ligand-receptor interactions
It seems every other paper shows a nice diagram of a signaling cascade that includes a receptor interacting with its ligand. However, sometimes these diagrams are little more than speculation or guesswork. It’s not…
Plant Science Research Weekly: February 14
Blog, WWR Full PostReview: Deep learning for plant genomics and crop improvement
One of the goals of plant science is to use the molecular phenotype (genome, transcriptome, proteome) to predict the whole-plant phenotype. Deep learning approaches can potentially begin to do this, starting with a training dataset, and…
Plant Science Research Weekly: February 7
Blog, WWR Full PostReview. Gossypium genomics: Trends, scope, and utilization for cotton improvement
Cotton (Gossypium spp.) provides the world’s most important natural fiber, and I suspect with our growing realization of the problems with plastics there will be still more demand for it. Yang et al. review the current…
Plant Science Research Weekly: January 31
Blog, WWR Full PostReview: Characteristics, drivers and feedbacks of global greening
Whenever we talk about global trends there are of course local variations. Here, Piao et al. discuss recent trends of global greening, which is occurring at arctic as well as temperate and tropical regions. Overall, this greening is…
Plant Science Research Weekly: January 24
WWR Full PostReview. Small RNAs and extracellular vesicles: New mechanisms of cross-species communication and innovative tools for disease control
We have only recently begun to appreciate the phenomenon of cross-species or cross-kingdom small RNA transfer, and its applications. Using examples from plants and…
Plant Science Research Weekly: January 17
Blog, WWR Full PostGuest Editor :
Facundo Romani
I am in an Argentinean PhD student at Universidad Nacional del Litoral (Santa Fe, Argentina) and current ASPB Plantae Fellow. I am about to finish my PhD program, during past years I worked with Javier Moreno as supervisor and spent a long stay at Monash University…
Plant Science Research Weekly: January 10
Blog, WWR Full PostReview. Diatom molecular research comes of age: Model species for studying phytoplankton biology and diversity
Diatoms are photosynthetic eukaryotes and contribute substantially to global carbon fixation. They are distantly related to green plants, having shared the same primary endosymbiotic event,…