Plant Science Research Weekly: April 3rd
Blog, WWR Full PostEditorial: Redeploying plant defences
With COVID19 ravaging across the globe, the medicinal value of plants and related research fields e.g., phytochemistry, ethnobotany, etc., is presently in focus. The drug development chain, though extremely promising, is not an immediate solution as it is a long,…

Plant Science Research Weekly: March 27
WWR Full PostReview. Signalling pathways underlying nitrogen-dependent changes in root system architecture: from model to crop species
Nitrogen (N) is one of the seventeen essential nutrients for a plant to complete its life cycle and is one of the most important determinants of productivity of various crops globally.…

Plant Science Research Weekly: March 20
Blog, WWR Full PostUpdate: How plants sense and respond to stressful environments
A longstanding question in plant science is how plants “know” that they are under threat. The identification of cell-surface receptors that identify conserved pathogen patterns sheds some light on biotic stress perception, but what…

Plant Science Research Weekly: March 13
Blog, WWR Full PostOpinion: We aren’t good at picking candidate genes, and it’s slowing us down
Recent advances have facilitated the generation of huge phenotypic datasets from plant populations. However, the means to inexpensively organise such datasets to unequivocally determine causal genes has evaded researchers.…

Plant Science Research Weekly: March 7
Blog, WWR Full PostReview: How mycorrhizal associations drive plant population and community biology ($)
Great strides have been made in discovering the molecular players that allow plants and mycorrhizal fungi to establish their symbiosis. Here, Tedersoo et al. look beyond the single plant and address how these associations…

Plant Science Research Weekly: February 28
Blog, WWR Full PostReview: Crop phenomics and high-throughput phenotyping
Crop phenomics has lagged behind crop genomics because traditional methods are time-consuming, expensive, invasive and subjective. Recently, high-throughput, automated, sensor and machine-vision methods have been developed, as reviewed by Yang…

Plant Science Research Weekly: February 21
Blog, WWR Full PostReview: In vitro analytical approaches to study plant ligand-receptor interactions
It seems every other paper shows a nice diagram of a signaling cascade that includes a receptor interacting with its ligand. However, sometimes these diagrams are little more than speculation or guesswork. It’s not…

Plant Science Research Weekly: February 14
Blog, WWR Full PostReview: Deep learning for plant genomics and crop improvement
One of the goals of plant science is to use the molecular phenotype (genome, transcriptome, proteome) to predict the whole-plant phenotype. Deep learning approaches can potentially begin to do this, starting with a training dataset, and…

Plant Science Research Weekly: February 7
Blog, WWR Full PostReview. Gossypium genomics: Trends, scope, and utilization for cotton improvement
Cotton (Gossypium spp.) provides the world’s most important natural fiber, and I suspect with our growing realization of the problems with plastics there will be still more demand for it. Yang et al. review the current…