Entries by Plantae Community

Navigating a Scientific Paper

Many in the scientific community attended the webinar this week with speakers Mary Williams and Michelle Facette, moderated by ASPB Plantae Fellow Xiaohui Li, but for those who didn’t or who want a resource to keep on-hand to help navigate a scientific paper, ASPB Plantae Fellows Rose McNelly and Shiqi Zhang created an infographic to guide […]

Taproot S6E4: Can We Force Academic Structures to be Inclusive?

In this episode, we speak with Jason Williams, Assistant Director of Inclusion and Research Readiness at the DNA Learning Center at Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory. Jason is also lead for CyVerse Education, Outreach, and Training – the U.S. National Cyberinfrastructure for Life Science. Jason received his B.S. in Biology from SUNY Stonybrook in 2004, then […]

Taproot S6E3: Classroom Cosplay: Applying Creative and Scientific Approaches to Teaching

In this episode, we speak with Jennifer Robison, an Assistant Professor of Biology at Manchester University in Indiana. Jennifer received her Bachelor’s degree from Dickinson College, her Master’s degree from the University of Delaware and her PhD from Indiana University Purdue University Indianapolis. For her thesis, she studied how thermal stress impact gene expression and […]

Taproot S6E1: May I Have Your Attention, Please? Searching for Causal Mutations and for Institutional Support

In this episode, our guest is Dior Kelley, an assistant professor in the Genetics, Development and Cell Biology department at Iowa State University. Dior received her B.S. in Chemistry from the University of California Santa Cruz in 2000, and her Ph.D. in Plant Biology from the University of California Davis in 2009 before doing an […]

Announcing the 2023 ASPB Plantae Fellows

Plantae is preparing to usher in a new content initiative in 2023 with rich resources and insights for the global plant science community, an endeavor that wouldn’t be possible without a cohort of motivated plant scientists from around the world. ASPB is happy to announce the 2023 Plantae Fellows, an impressive group ready to bring […]