Entries by Mary Williams

Self Reflections: A Blog Series

In 2018, a group of early-career researchers shared insights and advice about career development. Read the full series. Preparing an impressive CV: The DO’s and DONT’s of it The Transition from Postdoc to PI: Part 1 introduction, by Amanda Rasmussen The Transition from Postdoc to PI: Part 2 Isolation busting by Amanda Rasmussen The Transition […]

Review: The mechanical feedback theory of leaf lamina formation ($) (Trends Plant Sci.)

The contribution of microtubule orientation to the direction of cell expansion is familiar to most; when microtubules wrap around the middle of a cell like a belt, the cell expands in the perpendicular direction to become longer. Recent studies have extended this idea and proposed that the mechanical forces created by microtubules, along with reinforcing […]

Plant Science Research Weekly: December 11, 2020

Review: The mechanical feedback theory of leaf lamina formation The contribution of microtubule orientation to the direction of cell expansion is familiar to most; when microtubules wrap around the middle of a cell like a belt, the cell expands in the perpendicular direction to become longer. Recent studies have extended this idea and proposed that […]

Plantae Presents: Zach Lippman and Arjun Khakhar

Plantae Presents – Zach Lippman and Arjun Khakhar Recorded Wednesday, December 9, 10 am EST, 4 pm CET Zach Lippman: Cis-regulatory control of quantitative trait variation and pleiotropy Zach Lippman is a Professor of Plant Biology at Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory (CSHL) and a Howard Hughes Medical Institute (HHMI) Investigator. His research group integrates genetics, […]

Review: Organelles-nucleus-plasmodesmata signaling, and roles in plant physiology, metabolism and stress responses (Curr. Opin. Plant Biol.)

Review: Organelles-nucleus-plasmodesmata signaling, and roles in plant physiology, metabolism and stress responses Plasmodesmata (PD) are pores that connect plant cells and allow the flow of small molecules and information but also viruses. This traffic is tightly regulated, in large part by the deposition or removal of callose that impedes movement. Azim and Burch-Smith review a […]

Plant Science Research Weekly: December 4, 2020

Review: Organelles-nucleus-plasmodesmata signaling, and roles in plant physiology, metabolism and stress responses Plasmodesmata (PD) are pores that connect plant cells and allow the flow of small molecules and information but also viruses. This traffic is tightly regulated, in large part by the deposition or removal of callose that impedes movement. Azim and Burch-Smith review a […]

Plantae Presents: Ning Zheng and Destiny Davis

Plantae Presents: Ning Zheng and Destiny Davis Recorded Wednesday Dec 2 9 pm EST, 6 pm PST Ning Zheng: Structural insights into salicylic acid signaling via NPR proteins Ning Zheng obtained his PhD from University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center in 1997 after he attended Fudan University in Shanghai, China. He did his postdoctoral studies […]