Entries by Mary Williams

Browse The Hub – MSU resources to help graduate students build skills

The Hub – The Community of Minds, is the online presence of a group that meets weekly at Michigan State University (MSU), led by graduate student Bethany Huot. Browse the website for tons of useful information and resources about developing skills to help you navigate your career, from preparing for a postdoc interview to finding […]

Is your Professional Portrait a Picasso or a Da Vinci? (Bethany Huot)

Bethany Huot, founder and director of The COM (Community of Minds) / @ThePubClub, writes about the six steps to managing your digital identity. What do prospective employers see when they search for you online (and yes, they do…). Maybe its time to refresh your online profile. Is your Professional Portrait a Picasso or a Da […]

A Beginner’s Guide to Establishing a Professional Online Presence (Inside Higher Ed)

Lesley McCollum writes about why scientist need to establish their profession identity online, including a description of popular sites (e.g., Twitter, LinkedIn) and how to use them. In addition to following her advice, we’d recommend you set up and maintain your Google Scholar site and register for an ORCID, as these are two of the […]

Backyard Mystery, a free curriculum about pathogens

A free curriculum for grades 5 – 7 Download at http://ucbiotech.org/backyardmystery/ About Backyard Mystery Backyard Mystery is part of the STEMware™ project, “Collaborative Research Strategies: STEMware™ – Designing Immersive Biology Learning Simulations for Formal and Informal Settings”. The curriculum was developed by Dr. Peggy G. Lemaux and her assistant, Science Communication Specialist Ms. Barbara Alonso […]

It’s all in the touch: Plant Biology Curriculum for grades 5 – 8 (ages 10 – 13)

The All In the Touch curriculum was developed by Dr. Peggy G. Lemaux and her assistant, Science Communication Specialist Ms. Barbara Alonso at the University of California, Berkeley with funding from the American Society of Plant Biologists (http://aspb.org ). Dr. Cristina Reynaga-Pena also contributed to the initial development of the curriculum. The objective of this curriculum is to encourage […]