Entries by Anne Rea

Got Rosettes? Phenotype Them Fast, Accurately, and Easily with ARADEEPOPSIS!

“Deep learning” is a buzz term that seems to be cropping up in plant biology research these days. Originally reserved, perhaps, for computer nerds rather than us biology ones, deep learning is a type of machine learning used in the field of artificial intelligence. Modeled on the human brain, deep learning uses a complex set […]

More Than Just a FAD(5): Unsaturated Fatty Acids in Chloroplasts Elicit Protective Autoimmunity

Arabidopsis (Arabidopsis thaliana) chloroplast-division mutants that have abnormally large chloroplasts have been around for quite some time, not only because they can be identified relatively easily through screening (Pyke & Leech 1991) and because their spectacular morphology sparks intrigue, but because they have proven useful to this day for studying several important biological phenomena related […]

A Once-Hidden ER Matrix Reveals the Totally Tubular Function of LUNAPARKs in Plants

The endoplasmic reticulum (ER) is an organelle that is vital for many cellular processes such as protein and lipid synthesis, calcium signaling, detoxification, and movement of other organelles. It forms an intricate meshwork in the cell cortex that is comprised of highly dynamic interconnected tubules and cisternae (“sheets”) that are continually rearranging. In plants, ROOT […]

Sugar Is Sweeter: Plants Open Their “Mouths” for Glucose, Not Malate, In the Morning

Regulation of stomatal opening and closing in plants in response to environmental cues continues to be well studied (García-León et al., 2019; Li et al., 2020), as it is important for balancing the intake of carbon dioxide for photosynthesis (PS) with the release of water during transpiration. But more fundamental to this is what enables […]

Lipid Rafts to the Rescue! Plants under Fungal Attack Recruit Phospholipase Dδ

When your fort is under attack during battle, and the wall is breached, you can choose to fight, flee, or forgo. Plants, on the other hand, are left with little choice: they must fight. Winning any battle, though, depends on a multitude of factors, most notably your available arsenal, soldiers, and importantly, your defense strategy. […]

Avoiding Shade to Grow Taller but Not Always Stronger: Phytochrome–Jasmonic Acid Interplay

The environment plays a major role in determining whether, when, and how growth occurs, and resource allocation towards growth is an important factor in many contexts. For example, plants whose defenses against pathogens are activated often grow less, and plants that must grow taller to reach the light in crowded and shaded conditions can be […]