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Plant Science Research Weekly: October 27, 2023

Review: Development of organs for nutrient uptake in parasitic plants and root nodule symbiosis This review by Cui et al. makes the interesting comparison between the developmental processes involved in root nodule formation and haustoria formation by roots of parasitic plants. As the authors observe,…

SYMPL sparks sensor development

Safi & Smagghe et al. explore liquid–liquid phase separation for developing fluorescent sensors of protein interaction and kinase activity in plants. By Wouter Smagghe1,2, Alaeddine Safi1,2 , Jelle van Leene1,2 and Steffen Vanneste3 1Department of…

Metacaspases meet stress granules

Ruiz-Solaní et al. examine how a cysteine protease interacts with stress granules, a type of membrane-less condensate, under heat stress and aging By Nerea Ruiz-Solaní1,2, Laia Armengot1,2 and Núria S. Coll1,3 1 Centre for Research in Agricultural Genomics (CRAG), CSIC-IRTA-UAB-UB, Bellaterra…