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Plant Science Research Weekly: March 26, 2021

Review: Microbiota-root-shoot-environment axis and stress tolerance in plants ($) Roots and shoots exist in different environments and have different functions, but each depends on the actions of the other. In recent years, many factors have been identified that move from root to shoot or vice versa…

Recognizing Plant Direct author Hannah Schneider

Hannah Schneider, first author of Nodal root diameter and node number in maize (Zea mays L.) interact to influence plant growth under nitrogen stress Current Position: Postdoctoral Scholar, Penn State University Education: Ph.D. from Penn State University Non-scientific Interests: Hiking,…

Recognizing The Plant Cell author Boxin Liu

Boxin Liu, first author of Manipulating ZmEXPA4 Expression Ameliorated Drought-induced Disruption of Anthesis and Silking Interval in Maize Current Position: job candidate Education: PhD in Prof. Feng Qin’s Lab at Institute of Botany, Chinese Academy of Sciences Non-scientific Interests: Music,…
The North American Arabidopsis Steering Committee logo

NAASC-Seeds of Change: Using Plants to Broaden the Impact of Science in Society

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In November 2018, NAASC hosted an NSF-funded* workshop entitled "Broadening the Impact of Plant Science Through Community-Based Innovation, Evaluation and Sharing of Outreach Programs" at the University of California, Davis. The 3-day workshop was organized by members of NAASC**, and before it started…

A Light-Adapted Charge-Separated State for PSII

Sipka and coworkers show that the closed state of photosystem II holds a formerly unrecognized structural and functional plasticity and upon illumination assumes a light-adapted charge-separated state. [Plant Cell] By…