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Interesting autophagy review articles

A curated list of some interesting plant autophagy-related review articles 1. Special Issue: Plant Autophagy: Mechanisms and Functions, Journal of Experimental Botany; 2. Autophagy in Plants – What's New on the Menu? 3.…

Keeping an Eye on Lutein Stability

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Carotenoid pigments not only produce the vibrant yellows and oranges of flowers, fruits, and autumn leaves, but they also are important in both plant and human health. They act both as accessory pigments in photosynthetic light harvesting and as photoprotectants that absorb excess energy during photosynthesis. …

Plants with self-sustained luminescence (bioRxiv)

Nothing beats being able see gene expression in real time and space. In recent years, plant biologists have made great strides in understanding plants by using the visual reporters GUS, green fluorescent protein (and other fluorescent proteins) and luciferase. Each of these requires either a substrate…