Recognizing Plant Physiology first authors: Melanie Morales Fernández
Plant Physiology, Plant Physiology: Author ProfilesMelanie Morales Fernández, first author of Malondialdehyde: Facts and Artifacts
Current Position: Postdoctoral researcher of the Spanish Government Fellowship ‘Juan de la Cierva’ in the Research Group of Plant Biology under Mediterranean Conditions, Department of Biology, University of Balearic…
Recognizing Plant Cell first authors: Li-Qing Zhang
The Plant Cell, The Plant Cell: Author ProfilesLi-Qing Zhang, co-first author of Mutual regulation of receptor-like kinase SIT1 and B'κ-PP2A shapes the early response of rice to salt stress
Current position: Ph.D. Candidate, College of Life Science, Hebei Normal University, Hebei Key Laboratory of Molecular and Cellular Biology, Key Laboratory…
Recognizing Plant Cell first authors: Ji-Long Zhao
The Plant Cell, The Plant Cell: Author ProfilesJi-Long Zhao, co-first author of Mutual regulation of receptor-like kinase SIT1 and B'κ-PP2A shapes the early response of rice to salt stress
Current Position: Ph.D. Candidate, College of Life Sciences, Hebei Normal University, Hebei Key Laboratory of Molecular and Cellular Biology, Key Laboratory…
TRAPP proteins as housekeepers of the plant trans-Golgi network/early endosome
Research, The Plant Cell, The Plant Cell: In a NutshellRosquete et al., identified a TRAPPIII tethering complex in plants and uncovered the role of the AtTRAPPC11 subunit in post Golgi trafficking and stress response. Plant Cell
By Michel R. Rosquete and Georgia Drakakaki
Background: Intracellular trafficking is…
Recognizing Plant Physiology first authors: Carlos Rubilar-Hernández
Plant Physiology, Plant Physiology: Author ProfilesCarlos Rubilar-Hernández, first author of PI4KIIIβs activity regulate lateral root formation driven by endocytic trafficking to the vacuole
Current Position: Researcher at Laboratorios Diagnofruit Ltda., Chile
Education: Master in Biological Sciences, and PhD in Sciences, mention in Molecular and…
Recognizing Plant Cell first authors: Lucas Vanhaelewyn
The Plant Cell, The Plant Cell: Author ProfilesLucas Vanhaelewyn, first author of Differential UVR8 signal across the stem controls UV-B-induced inflorescence phototropism
Current Position: PhD candidate in the Laboratory of Functional Plant Biology at Ghent University
Education: PhD studies (2015-present); Master of Biochemistry and Biotechnology,…
Plant Science Research Weekly: July 12th
Blog, WWR Full PostReview: Synthetic biology in photosynthetic microbes: present and future
Photosynthetic microbes are emerging models for synthetic biology applications since they possess relatively simple physiology and cellular organization, fast growth in liquid culture, and facile genetic manipulation. In this…
Opinion: Plants neither possess nor require consciousness (TIPS)
Plant Science Research WeeklyDon’t miss this opinion article by Taiz et al, which tries to close the door on the eternal question of how to describe and label the ability of plants to perceive and respond to their environment. Are plants intelligent? Can they learn? Do they have consciousness? The article draws on recent studies…
Effective strategies for rebutting science denialism in public discussions
Plant Science Research WeeklyScientists are often asked to engage in public discourse as a way to counteract science denialism, but it’s not always clear if their efforts can change minds. A new study by Schmid and Betsch suggests that efforts to rebut are worthwhile. They showed subjects videos with climate denial messages about…