Recognizing Plant Physiology first authors: Carlos Rubilar-Hernández

Carlos Rubilar-Hernández, first author of PI4KIIIβs activity regulate lateral root formation driven by endocytic trafficking to the vacuole

Current Position: Researcher at Laboratorios Diagnofruit Ltda., Chile

Education: Master in Biological Sciences, and PhD in Sciences, mention in Molecular and Cellular Biology and Neurosciences at Universidad de Chile, Santiago, Chile

Non-scientific Interests: Hiking and city-walking, listening music of the Eastern world (Eastern Europe, Central and East Asia), Eurovision, anime, reading about astronomy and many other topics.

Brief bio: I have always been interested in plant biology since my undergraduate studies in Engineering in Molecular Biotechnology. First, I was working on discovering new molecular components participating on endocytic trafficking by using chemical genetics on yeast and Arabidopsis. I perform my Ph.D. with the supervision of Dr. L. Norambuena at the Plant Biology Centre, University of Chile I studied how the endocytic trafficking impacts on the post-embryonic development in Arabidopsis, deepening the role of phosphoinositides on lateral root organogenesis. Part of this work gave birth to the current paper. Now, I am excited regarding the new direction in my scientific career on the phytopathological field. I am driving a scientific project analyzing new biological components on the kiwifruit blossom blight disease in Chilean orchards.