The Power of the 3 Minute Thesis: How to talk about your thesis in three minutes with Rishi Masalia
Plantae Webinars, Science Communication0 Comments
About this Webinar:
In this webinar, we discuss how to craft a short, effective science communication talk for a general audience. Although this event is structured around the internationally recognized 3 Minute Thesis (3MT) competition, which is organized and run by the University of Queensland…
Genome editing in maize directed by CRISPR–Cas9 ribonucleoprotein complexes
Plant Science Research Weekly, ResearchSvitashev et al. demonstrate a new way to introduce CRISPR-Cas9 reagents into a plant cell, through the biolistic delivery of pre-assembled Cas9-gRNA ribonucleoproteins. This approach was successful in the production of engineered plants, and also demonstrated that this method can be done in a DNA- and…
Emerging Technologies in Phenomics Sessions at Phenome 2017
ResearchDetermining the exact phenotypes of a large population of plants, including architectural parameters, metabolic status, and developmental stage, has traditionally required substantial, expensive labor by legions of workers. While technologies for high-throughput genotyping have mushroomed, technologies…
Career Planning for Plant Scientists with Sarah Blackford
Careers, Plantae Webinars
About this Webinar:
Planning your career is a bit of a contradiction in terms since it is hard to plan something which is influenced by so many other outside factors. However, theories suggest that there are particular factors and activities, dispositions and strategies which can help you to develop…
Metabolic Signaling Regulates Alternative Splicing during Photomorphogenesis
Research, The Plant Cell, The Plant Cell: In BriefIN BRIEF by Kathleen L. Farquharson [email protected]
Alternative splicing (AS) regulates gene expression and greatly expands the coding capacity of complex genomes. By regulating which elements of an mRNA transcript are removed or retained, AS produces multiple transcripts from a single gene. Some…
Do Phytochromes and Phytochrome-Interacting Factors Need to Interact?
Research, The Plant Cell, The Plant Cell: In BriefIN BRIEF by Nancy R. Hofmann [email protected]
A new study calls into question whether phytochrome B (phyB) must directly interact with phytochrome-interacting factors (PIFs) to promote light responses. Phytochrome photoreceptors mediate responses to red light in part by inducing the degradation of…
Recognizing featured Plant Cell first authors, November 2016
The Plant Cell, The Plant Cell: Author Profiles
Recently, we’ve been profiling first authors of Plant Cell papers that are selected for In Brief summaries. Here are the first-author profiles from the October issue of The Plant Cell.
Jaewook Kim, Kijong Song, and Eunae Park, featured authors of Epidermal Phytochrome B Inhibits Hypocotyl Negative…
Communicating Effectively with Graphics
BlogFrédéric Bouché, a postdoctoral research with Richard Amasino at the University of Wisconsin, recently caught our attention when he published a set of impressive visual abstracts to support his latest research papers. We invited him to share how and why he makes these images. -Editors
When you…