Where do all the ecologists go? An investigation of US Doctorate recipients (Ecosphere)
Ecosphere. Hampton and Labou investigated the employment figures for recent recipients of PhDs (degree awarded between 2000 and 2011) in ecology from US-based institutions. They found that less than 20% of the PhD recipients are in tenure-track positions at research-focused, PhD-granting universities. Similar numbers were on the tenure track of non-PhD granting institutions, or in non-tenure track positions including research assistant, project manager or teaching. The authors point to several ways that graduate students should prepare themselves for these various employment opportunities, including engaging in activities that will enable them to demonstrate “interpersonal and project management skills” including outreach, communication, program leadership, and fundraising. This is a good paper for those at the giving or receiving end of graduate training. (Summary Mary Williams) Ecosphere. 10.1002/ecs2.2031