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The biotrophic development of Ustilago maydis studied by RNAseq analysis (Plant Cell)

The corn smut fungus Ustilago maydis that causes tumorous symptoms on all aerial parts of maize has established itself as a model system to dissect host colonization strategies by biotrophic fungi. Transcriptional responses upon U. maydis colonization were previously demonstrated by several studies using…

MicroRNAs from the parasitic plant Cuscuta campestris target host messenger RNAs

Nature. Cuscuta sp. commonly known as dodder, is an obligate parasitic plant that colonizes a broad range of host plants and obtain water and nutrients by specialized feeding structure called haustorium.  Literature suggests that this specialized structure is involved in bidirectional movement of viruses,…

Boron Transport in Rice

Boron (B) is an essential micronutrient for plant growth and development. Its major physiological function is to maintain the structure of the cell wall by crosslinking pectic polysaccharides through borate-diol bonding of two rhamnogalacturonan II molecules. B is immobile in most plant species. Therefore,…

Arabidopsis pollen tube integrity and sperm release are regulated by RALF-mediated signaling

Successful fertilization in plants requires sperm cells (SCs) to be carried along the growing pollen tube (PT) until reaching the female gametophyte where the PT then bursts to release the SCs. One challenge PTs must overcome in order to achieve fertilization is deciding to rupture or not to rupture.…

Review: On the selectivity, specificity and signaling potential of long-distance movement of messenger RNA

Regulation of transcription occurs at the cell-type specific level, but transcribed messenger RNA is mobile and can move between tissues through plant vasculature, serving as a long distance messenger. Many mRNA molecules have been identified in the phloem sap, suggesting that mRNA transport goes through…

OnGuard2 Computational Platform Tracks Guard Cell Processes

Wang et al. discover unexpected connections between humidity and ion transport using a model that bridges guard cell-to-leaf scales By Maria Papanatsiou Background: Plants rely on stomata on the leaf epidermis for their survival. Stomata are small pores formed…

How do trees transport carbohydrates?

As a tree grows in height, increasing the length of the transport pathway, the hydraulic resistance of the vascular tissues should increase. It is not clear if trees only rely on passive transport mechanisms (no active loading of sugars) to move carbohydrates from shoots to roots. To answer this question,…

Intracellular distribution of manganese by NRAMP2 critical for photosynthesis and redox homeostasis

Manganese is a micronutrient essential for the function of several proteins including manganese superoxide dismutase (localized in the peroxisome and mitochondria) and the photosystem II reaction center (localized in the chloroplast). Mn is transported via NRAMP (Natural Resistance-Associated Macrophage…

Letter: New database for metal and metalloid accumulating plants

Plants that can accumulate metals or metalloids in their living tissues to extremely high levels (hyperaccumulators) can be used to model metal uptake and biotic interactions and used for phytoremediation, among other uses. While the uses for hyperaccumulators are vast, until now a database with global…