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An image of Taylor Beaulie (masked and gloved) underneath an orange tree. Next to her is a plastic container with a measuring tape, spray bottle, clipboard, and test tubes in a rack to collect samples.

URM Plant Scientist Highlights - Taylor Beaulieu (she/her)

Taylor Beaulieu (she/her) is currently a third year graduate student at UC-Riverside (UCR). She received her BS in Plant Biology from UCR and also received a minor in Education. She originally spent her undergraduate education training to become a K-12 science teacher which gave her training experience…

After all, mutations are not that random (Nature)

Mutations, defined as changes in DNA sequence, have long been considered to be random. However, growing evidence suggests that maybe mutations are not random, but instead some loci in the genome are hot spots for mutations, while other loci rarely mutate. This effect is considered mutation bias. A recent…