VERNALIZATION1 modulates root system architecture in wheat and barley
Blog, Plant Science Research Weekly, Research, Research Blog
Root angle determines the rooting depth and was recently associated with the VERNALIZATION1 locus. Using hexaploid wheat, Voss-Fels et al. mapped the root angle to the locus encoding the MADS-box transcription factor, which was previously associated with flowering time. The group found that the lines…

Increasing leaf vein density in rice results in an enhanced rate of photosynthesis
Blog, Plant Science Research Weekly, Research, Research BlogIncreased leaf vein density is considered to be a key early step in the evolution of C4 photosynthesis. Feldman et al. analyzed five mutants with high vein densities in the C3 crop rice to determine if photosynthetic assimilation was improved. The mutants all had higher photosynthetic rates under…

Boundary formation through direct threshold-based readout of mobile small RNA gradients
Blog, Plant Science Research Weekly, Research, Research BlogHow does a flat leaf form? Previous studies have indicated that the formation of a flattened blade depends upon a boundary layer between the upper and lower cell layers, and that mobile small RNAs contribute to this boundary, but how this occurs is not fully resolved. For example, although the small…

J. Exp. Bot. Special Issue. The plant cuticle: old challenges, new perspectives ($)
Blog, Plant Science Research Weekly, Research, Research BlogThe cuticle is a cell-wall polymer that protects against desiccation, pathogens and UV light. Domínguez et al. provide an open-access editorial that describes this fine collection of articles covering all aspects of the plant cuticle, from its evolutionary origins to its ecological significance. Within…

Chromatin accessibility changes between Arabidopsis stem cells and mesophyll cells illuminate cell type-specific
Blog, Plant Science Research Weekly, Research, Research BlogWhat gives stem cells their plasticity and why are differentiated cells so specialized? Sijacic et al. approach this question by analyzing transcription factor (TF) accessibility to chromatin. Nuclei were isolated from shoot apical meristem (SAM) pluripotent stem cells and fully-differentiated mesophyll…

A plant-specific kinesin KinG regulates intra- and intercellular movement of SHORT-ROOT
Blog, Plant Science Research Weekly, Research, Research BlogSHORT-ROOT (SRT) is a transcription factor that has previously been shown to move between cells and so contribute to developmental patterning. Spiegelman et al. investigated the cellular machinery that contributes to SRT’s movement. Previous work showed that the movement of SRT depends on the endosome…

SHORTROOT-mediated increase in stomatal density has no impact on photosynthetic efficiency
Blog, Plant Science Research Weekly, Research, Research BlogSHORTROOT (SRT) is a transcription factor that contributes to developmental patterning non-cell autonomously, by moving between cells. In leaves, SRT has been shown to contribute to sub-epidermal patterning specified by distance from the vein. Schuler et al. explored whether it also contributes to epidermal…

Cross-species functional diversity within the PIN auxin efflux protein family
Blog, Plant Science Research Weekly, Research, Research BlogPolar localized PIN FORMED (PIN) efflux carriers proteins organize directional auxin flow and accumulation. Most flowering plants have another family of PIN proteins called Sister of PIN1 (SoPIN1), which Arabidopsis and members of the Brassicacea family do not have. The grass Brachypodium dystachion…

Mechanochemical polarization of contiguous cell walls shapes plant pavement cells
Blog, Plant Science Research Weekly, Research, Research Blog
The jigsaw-puzzle shape of the epidermis layer has been puzzling the scientists for some time now. Majda et al. examine the shape of the epidermis cells from the cell wall perspective. Mutations leading to even minor changes in cell wall composition significantly affected pavement cell geometry.…