Protein Phosphatases AUN1&2 Regulate Tip-Growth
Research, The Plant Cell, The Plant Cell: In a NutshellFranck et al. demonstrate that protein phosphatases ATUNIS1 and 2 negatively regulate cell wall integrity in pollen tubes and root hairs of Arabidopsis. Plant Cell (2018). https://doi.org/10.1105/tpc.18.00284
By C. M. Franck, J. Westermann, S. Bürssner, R. Lentz, D. Lituiev, and A. Boisson-Dernier

Postzygotic reproductive isolation via sequestration of a transposon-derived siRNA ($) (Devel. Cell)
Plant Science Research WeeklyHybridization of plants with distinct chromosome number often results in seed development defects due to a phenomenon known as the triploid block. While this is triggered by the unbalanced expression of some paternally and maternally imprinted alleles, the molecular basis of the triploid block is not…

Stony hard phenotype in peach due to transposon insertion into YUCCA ($) (Plant J)
Plant Science Research WeeklyFruit softening in melting-flesh peaches is triggered by a major accumulation of ethylene at the late stage of ripening. Existence of stony hard peaches showing inhibition of fruit softening has been correlated with low levels of indole-3-acetic-acid inducing low levels of ethylene, but the underlying…

Early and transient loss of transposon control in Arabidopsis shoot stem cells (bioRxiv)
Plant Science Research WeeklyPostembryonic development in plants relies on stem cells located within the shoot apical meristem. Male and female gametes are descendants of those stem cells and maintenance of genome stability in this pool of cells is thus fundamental. In-depth molecular analysis has so far been hindered by the tedious…

Moonlighting Role of Plastidial NAD-MDH
Research, The Plant Cell, The Plant Cell: In a NutshellSchreier et al. investigate the role of a plastid malate dehydrogenase in early chloroplast development. Plant Cell 30: 1745-1769
Background: Malate dehydrogenases (MDH) are enzymes that are widespread in prokaryotes and eukaryotes. MDH interconverts oxaloacetate and malate, using either NAD or…

Review - A plane choice: coordinating timing and orientation of cell division during plant development (Current Opinion in Plant Bio)
Plant Science Research WeeklyAsymmetric cell division is instrumental to development of specialized cells, while symmetric cell division underlies proliferative growth. The defects in cell division plane arise when transition between the G1 to S stage is accelerated, suggesting that the signals leading to division plane position…

Opinion: Information processing and distributed computation in plant organs ($) (Trends Plant Sci)
Plant Science Research WeeklyThe great strides we’ve made in understanding how plants perceive their environment, from light to pathogens to nutrients, haven't been matched with an understanding of what they do with all that information; how do so many inputs get integrated into a single or few responses? And how does the information…

Nectary Specification in Petunia and Arabidopsis
The Plant Cell, The Plant Cell: In BriefStudies of flower development have lots of information about petals, carpels, and stamens, but let’s not forget the birds and the bees—and the flies and moths—and what draws pollinators to insect-pollinated flowers, including flower color, shape, and rewards that provide energy. For example, to…

Epidermal expression of a sterol biosynthesis gene regulates root growth by a non-cell-autonomous mechanism in Arabidopsis (Development)
Plant Science Research WeeklyThe HYDRA1 (HYD1) gene is primarily expressed in the root epidermis and encodes a sterol Δ8-Δ7 isomerase. The hyd1 mutant has defects in growth and radial patterning of root development. Short et al. showed that although HYD1 is not expressed in the vascular cells, PIN1 localization and vascular patterning…