Plantae Presents: Detlef Weigel and Remco Stam

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic many seminar series and conferences have been canceled or postponed. In response to this, and to make sure plant scientists can continue to communicate their latest work to their peers, The American Society of Plant Biologists launched a virtual seminar series via our online community, Plantae. This is the third seminar in this new series, each of which features two speakers (read more). A list of upcoming seminars and recorded videos can be found here.

Recorded Apr 15th 
Detlef Weigel: Epistasis, the spice of life (and evolution) – Lessons from the plant immune system

Detlef Weigel is Director of Max Planck Institute for Developmental Biology in Tübingen, Germany. He did his undergraduate studies  at the Universities of Bielefeld and Cologne, and completed his PhD in Tübingen. He was a postdoc at CalTech with Elliot Meyerowitz and a faculty member at the Salk Institute before moing to the Max Planck Institute in 2001. He has worked in developmental biology, evolutionary genomics, and more recently has been investigating plant-microbe interactions.







Remco Stam: The diversity and molecular evolution of plant defence against pathogens in nature

Remco Stam is junior group leader at the Technical University of Munich. He did his undergraduate and MSc degrees in Wageningen (Netherlands) and his PhD in Dundee (Scotland). He was an Alexander von Humboldt Fellow at TU Munich and is now a junior group leader there. His work focusses on understanding the evolution of pathogen resistance in relatively short time scales, with a goal to create durable resistance in crops. @EvoMPMI

This webinar is freely available thanks to the support of the American Society of Plant Biologists. Join Today.

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