Informational Interview with Dr. Chia Sin Liew, core facility bioinformatician, University of Nebraska

Informational Interview by Yen Ning Chai, ASPB Conviron Scholar 2018

Dr. Chia Sin Liew is a bioinformatician working for the bioinformatics core facility at University of Nebraska-Lincoln (UNL). Her jobs include maintaining the computing servers and providing bioinformatics services to the researchers at UNL. She obtained her Bachelor of Science in Biochemistry and Biology, subsequently finished her Ph.D. in Evolutionary Biology in New Zealand.

Why did you choose to become a bioinformatician which is not related to your major?

Every researcher nowadays has to deal with bioinformatics to some extends, including you and me. I was involved in a bioinformatics lab during my undergraduate studies, since then I had developed my passion for bioinformatics.

What computing language(s) do you use the most? How did you learn it?

I use mainly python. I have been exposed to python since my graduate studies and I learn python by myself.

Do you work as a team? How does it work?

Depending on the project we get. If we get a big project, we split it among ourselves.

What do you like the most about your job?

I get to work on different projects and analyze different data ranging from genome to protein. Although challenging, I can develop skills on everything.

Do you get tired sitting in front of computer all day long?

I am already used to this. I often get so focused on work that I lose track of time especially when I am troubleshooting something.

Do you have other interests other than programming?

Yes, my interests are very broad. I spend my spare time to learn finance and attend fitness classes. I think it is important to constantly improve myself to keep up with the fast-paced society.

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