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Plant Science Research Weekly: February 15th

A comparison of the EU regulatory approach to directed mutagenesis with that of other jurisdictions, consequences for international trade and potential steps forward The seed sector, and particularly plant breeders, are responsible for providing farmers with new plant varieties able to overcome challenges…

Plant Science Research Weekly: February 8th

Opinion: To learn inclusion skills, make it personal This is a great essay by David Asai, Senior Director for science education at the Howard Hughes Medical Institute. David describes his journey from feeling annoyed at having to attend a multicultural forum to embracing their merit. He describes…

What We're Reading: February 1st

Happy February! This week we have a special issue featuring summaries written by candidates for the  2019 Plantae Fellows program. (Official announcement to follow soon). Review: Deep learning on image-based plant phenotyping The development of deep learning brings opportunities to train computers…

What We're Reading: January 25th

Special Issue: Genome to Phenome (Plant Journal) It’s January, which seems to be a month of weather extremes for many “temperate” parts of the globe. Here’s an excellent collection to curl up with as you try to stay warm or cool and out of the elements. The issue includes free-to-access reviews…

What We're Reading: January 18th

Physiologia Plantarum Special Issue: Root Biology The year 2019 kicks off with a special issue on root biology, with all articles free to access for six months. Topics include interactions of roots with parasites and symbionts, root branching, transport in the root system, and roots of woody species.…

What We're Reading: January 11th

This week’s edition is guest edited by Arif Ashraf, a PhD student at Iwate University, Japan and Graduate Student Ambassador of ASPB (NOTE: Apply by January 15th to be an ASPB ambassador). His research interest is understanding the hormonal interplay in primary root development of Arabidopsis thaliana.…

Looking Back on 2018 - What You’re* Reading

A look back at the most popular articles shared on Plantae social media in 2018. Plantae Social Media Interns Katie Rogers and Juniper Kiss have been reviewing the 2018 stats. Previously they shared the most popular posts overall. Here, they share the posts to research and review articles that got…

Plant Science Research Weekly: December 21st

Welcome to the penultimate 2018 collection of plant research highlights. Starting this week, for search engine optimization (SEO) purposes we are renaming the series "Plant Science Research Weekly". We thank contributors and readers for their ongoing support. We started this project more than two…