Rachel M. McCoy: Plant Direct First Author
Plant Direct: Author Profiles
Rachel M. McCoy, first author of "Allelopathy as an evolutionary game"
Current Position: Postdoc in Dr. Ying Li’s lab at Purdue University
Education: Ph.D. in Horticulture (Purdue University); B.S. in Biology (University of Evansville)
Non-scientific Interests: cats, gardening, baking, traveling,…

Jose C. Tovar: Plant Direct First Author
Plant Direct: Author Profiles
Jose C. Tovar, first author of "Heat stress changes mineral nutrient concentrations in Chenopodium quinoa seed"
Current Position: Research Scientist and USDA-NIFA Postdoctoral Fellow at the Donald Danforth Plant Science Center, Saint Louis, Missouri
Education: PhD in Molecular Biosciences from…

Jingfei Guo: Plant Direct First Author
Plant Direct: Author Profiles
Jingfei Guo, first author of "Asian corn borer damage is affected by rind penetration strength of corn stalks in a spatiotemporally dependent manner"
Current Position: Associate research fellow at Institute of Plant Protection, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences (IPP, CAAS), China.
Education: Ph.D…

Keegan Pham: Plant Direct First Author
Plant Direct: Author Profiles
Keegan Pham, first author of "Chlamydomonas ATX1 is essential for Cu distribution to multiple cupro-enzymes and maintenance of biomass in conditions demanding cupro-enzyme-dependent metabolic pathways"
Current Position: Scientist I at Ab Studio Inc.
Education: B.S. Genetics and Plant Biology, University…

Liguo Jia: Plant Direct First Author
Plant Direct: Author Profiles
Liguo Jia, first author of "Potato tuber degradation is regulated by carbohydrate metabolism: Results of transcriptomic analysis"
Current Position: Associate professor at College of Agronomy, Inner Mongolia Agricultural University, Huhhot, China.
Education: PhD (Plant Biology) in HongKong Baptist…

Mohammed Abu-Dieyeh: Plant Direct First Author
Plant Direct: Author Profiles
Mohammed Abu-Dieyeh, first author of "Biodiversity of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi in plant roots and rhizosphere soil from different arid land environment of Qatar"
Current Position: Acting Department Head, Department of Biological and Environmental Sciences, Qatar University.
Education: B.Sc.…

Kishwar Ali: Plant Direct First Author
Plant Direct: Author Profiles
Kishwar Ali, first author of "Which factor explains the life-history of Xanthium strumarium L., an aggressive alien invasive plant species, along its altitudinal gradient?"
Current Position: Assistant Professor
Education: Ph.D., M.S., M.S.c., B.S.c., QTLS
Non-scientific Interests: Swimming and…

Bryce Askey: Plant Direct Author Profile
Plant Direct: Author Profiles
Bryce Askey, first author of "Metabolite profiling reveals organ‐specific flavone accumulation in Scutellaria and identifies a scutellarin isomer isoscutellarein 8‐O‐β‐glucuronopyranoside"
Current Position: PhD student at Cornell University
Education: B.S. in Horticultural Science (University…

Mai Duy Luu Trinh: Plant Direct First Author
Plant Direct: Author Profiles
Mai Duy Luu Trinh, first author of "Lack of plastid-encoded Ycf10, a homolog of the nuclear-encoded DLDG1 and the cyanobacterial PxcA, enhances the induction of non-photochemical quenching in tobacco"
Current Position: Postdoctoral Researcher, University of Copenhagen, Denmark
Education: Doctor…