Plant Physiology is recruiting Assistant Features Editors for 2021
Blog, Plant Physiology, Plant Physiology: Editorials, Pubs Pages8 Comments
By Michael R. Blatt and Mary Williams
This past January, Plant Physiology welcomed 24 new Assistant Features Editors to the editorial board. Together with Assistant Features Editors recruited in 2018, these young scientists have brought their passion for science to the journal, communicating to…

Plant Physiology welcomes 26 new Assistant Features Editors
Blog, Plant Physiology: Editorials, Pubs PagesAt the beginning of 2018 Plant Physiology initiated a program to introduce several promising early-career scientists to the editorial board and engage their expertise in assessing and writing about research published in the journal. Over the past two years these scientists brought their passion for science…

Plant Physiology is recruiting Assistant Features Editors
Blog, Plant Physiology, Plant Physiology: Editorials, Pubs Pages
By Michael R. Blatt and Mary Williams
Note: This call for applications is now closed. Check back in autumn 2020 for a new call for AFEs.
At the beginning of 2018 Plant Physiology welcomed 23 new Assistant Features Editors to the editorial board. Over the past eighteen months these young scientists…

100 "First author profiles"!
Blog, Plant Physiology, Plant Physiology: Author Profiles, Plant Physiology: Editorials
We recognize the hard work that goes into scientific discovery, and the significant challenges faced by those at the beginning of their research career: low pay, long hours, and job insecurity. And yet, without graduate students and postdocs, science would grind to a virtual halt.
As publisher…

Li Zichao, research group of China Agricultural University, made new progress in the research on drought resistance mechanism of water and upland rice
Blog, Plant Physiology, Plant Physiology: EditorialsPress release from The World of Seeds, translated by Google Translate
Rice and upland rice are two ecological types of Asian cultivated rice that are differentiated under different water conditions, and their drought resistance is significantly different. Therefore, mining the drought-resistant genes…

The role of the seventh subfamily of cytoplasmic receptor kinases in plant immunity revealed by genetics
Blog, Plant Physiology, Plant Physiology: EditorialsSource: Institute of Genetics and Developmental Biology Published: 2018-07-09 http://www.cas.cn/syky/201807/t20180704_4657120.shtml Translation by Google
Pattern recognition receptors (PRRs) on plant cell membranes recognize some of the conserved molecular patterns derived from pathogens that…

Introducing the Plant Physiology Focus Issue on Cell Dynamics
Blog, Plant Physiology, Plant Physiology: Editorials, ResearchPlant Physiology recently published a Focus Issue on Cell Dynamics. We asked the editors involved to tell us about what is meant by Cell Dynamics and why this topic is interesting and relevant, as well as about the Focus Issue program in general. This 11-minute video features Editor-in-Chief Mike Blatt…

Introducing the journal Plant Physiology, featuring EIC Mike Blatt
Plant Physiology, Plant Physiology: EditorialsEditor-in-Chief Mike Blatt talks about the journal Plant Physiology, how online communication accelerates the pace of scholarly publishing, and the need to express key research findings in an accessible way.
"What I often encourage authors to do when they prepare manuscripts is to think about the sound…

Sweet route to greater yields
Plant Physiology, Plant Physiology: Editorials, ResearchThree years ago, biotechnologists demonstrated in field trials that they could increase the productivity of maize by introducing a rice gene into the plant that regulated the accumulation of sucrose in kernels and led to more kernels per maize plant.
They knew that the rice gene affected the performance…