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Review: Plant immunity, refining the model (Trends in Plant Sci and Curr Opin Plant Biol)

Interactions between plants and microorganisms occur in many different ways and on many different levels. Scientists have been attracted to this field of research because of the need to identify the agents causing infectious diseases in economically important crops. Models have been developed to describe…

Review: The challenges of delivering genetically modified crops with nutritional enhancement traits (Nature Plants) ($)

Despite the widespread success of genetically modified (GM) crops resistant to herbicides and insect herbivory, GM food crops with nutritional enhancement traits remain on the fringes of commercial agriculture. In this review, Napier et al. examine the current state of GM food crops and the obstacles…

Evolution of vascular plants through redeployment of ancient developmental regulators (bioRxiv)

Land plants (Tracheophytes), utilize the well-developed vascular tissue for conducting water and other nutrients necessary for plant growth. In Arabidopsis and other land plants, the key player of vascular cell division is well characterized and this includes the TMO5-LHW (TARGET OF MONOPTEROS 5 –…

Pinstatic acid promoters auxin transport by inhibiting PIN internalization (Plant Physiol)

Auxin transport regulated by directional transporters such as PIN (PIN-FORMED) proteins ensures maintenance of proper auxin levels for growth and development. Plants modulate auxin flow by regulating the localization of PIN through exocytosis and endocytosis allowing recycling of PIN protein within a…

MapMan4: A refined protein classification and annotation framework applicable to multi-omics data analysis (Mol Plant)

Revolutions in omics technologies have rapidly increased the number of plant genomes, transcriptomes and proteomes available. However, protein sequences need to be assigned a biological function to provide useful insights for comparative genomics and transcriptomics. Here, Schwacke et al present MapMan4,…

Transport protein particles contribute to endosomal organization and function (Plant Cell)

Transport protein particles (TRAPPs) are multisubunit complexes that regulate intracellular trafficking, but haven’t yet been well characterized in plant cells. The authors previously identified AtTRAPPC11 as an abundant protein in the SYP61 vesicle proteome, with homology to mammalian TRAPPC11. Here,…

A bifunctional dipeptide functionalizes crop surfaces for sustainable pest management (Green Chemistry)

Most synthetic pesticides do not stick well on plants especially during raining season and can be washed off during irrigation shorty after application. Therefore, the farmer may need to apply several times or hope for dry days to spray. Swinges et al. developed a synthetic peptide with two separate…

Gene redundancy: is it also redundant in the "real world"?

Illouz-Eliaz et al. report that GA receptor genes that appear redundant under controlled climate conditions have unique roles under field conditions. Plant Cell By Natanella Illouz-Eliaz, Uria Ramon, Hagai Shohat, Shula Blum, Sivan Livne, Dvir Mendelson and David…

Unearthing Root Growth Dynamics Through 3-D Time-lapse Imaging

Plants blindly probe the soil for ever-changing pockets of water and nutrients and continuously adjust their root system architecture (RSA) accordingly. Whether they invest more energy in growing existing roots or sending out new lateral roots depends on both genetic programs and environmental factors.…