TaGW2 regulates drought tolerance in wheat
The Plant Cell: In a NutshellLi, Zhang, Liu et al. demonstrate that the E3 ligase TaGW2 enhances wheat drought tolerance by promoting the degradation of the transcription factor TaARR12.
By Shumin Li, Zhensheng Kang and Hude Mao
State Key Laboratory of Crop Stress Biology for Arid…

The Plant Cell Features January 2024 First Authors
Blog, Community, The Plant Cell: Author ProfilesBehind the manuscripts are researchers, professors, professionals and students dedicated to advancing the field of plant science. You’ve seen our First Authors on Twitter and Facebook— now, read more about why they chose to pursue plant sciences and click on the links to read their articles.

RNA composition of Processing Bodies
The Plant Cell: In a NutshellLiu et al. explore the RNAs present in processing bodies, a cytoplasmic subcellular condensate.
Andriani Mentzelopoulou
Department of Biology, University of Crete, Heraklion, Greece
Institute of Molecular Biology and Biotechnology, Foundation for Research and Technology–Hellas, Heraklion,…

Barley MLA3 recognizes the blast effector Pwl2, an effector involved in host range dynamics
The Plant Cell: In a NutshellBrabham et al. explore the mechanisms of resistance to fungal pathogens in barley.
Helen J. Brabham1,2, Diana Gómez De La Cruz1, Matthew J. Moscou,3
1The Sainsbury Laboratory, University of East Anglia, Norwich Research Park, Norwich, NR4 7UH, UK
22Blades, 1630 Chicago Avenue, Suite 1312,…

Review. Chloroplast ATP synthase: From structure to engineering
Plant Science Research WeeklyI remember how amazed I was the first time I saw an animation of ATP synthase doing its job. This fantastic engine is largely conserved across the domains of life, with some variation as highlighted in this review of the chloroplast ATP synthase by Rühle et al. The plastid form is a rotary form, written…

Review: Evolution of ROS targets for plant development
Plant Science Research WeeklyReactive oxygen species (ROS) are agents of damage but also potent signals. Here, Singh et al. review the cellular targets that support ROS signaling across the green kingdom. Many of the signaling roles for ROS have been uncovered in Arabidopsis and other angiosperms, so it is interesting to look at…

Review. From stressed to success: Unveiling the secret memory of gymnosperms
Plant Science Research WeeklyEpigenetic stress memory in gymnosperms is the topic of a new review by Fossdal et al. Gymnosperms are long-lived, cone-bearing, tough trees, known to tolerate episodic stress. Their adaptive traits to stress are not passed on in a straightforward way, conforming to classical Mendelian inheritance. Instead,…

Making genome editing a success story in Africa
Plant Science Research WeeklyThe introduction of CRISPR-Cas technology in 2012 marked a significant advancement in global genome editing, yet its potential remains largely untapped in Africa, where it could address crucial challenges in agriculture, public health, and medicine. However, several obstacles hinder its full realization,…

Viewpoint: Unheard voices from the Global South speak up
Plant Science Research WeeklyFor many reasons, the voices of researchers from the Global South often go unheard. Many of these reasons are financial; big international conferences are frequently held at places that require distant travel, and registration and travel fees can be beyond the reach of modestly-funded scientists. Visa…