Improving Outreach In Plant Science
NAASC, Resources for AlliesImproving Outreach In Plant Science- Workshop at ICAR 2021-Virtual
Jose Dinneny, Stanford (and former NAASC member) organized this workshop at ICAR 2021-Virtual. The workshop stemmed from his leadership of two NAASC activities on the topic of Outreach in Plant Science that occurred between 2018-2021,…

DiversifyPlantSci Online Resource - A List of Plant Scientists that are Members of Under-Represented Groups
Blog, NAASC, Resources for Allies, Resources for BIPOC1 Comment
The North American Arabidopsis Steering Committee (NAASC) is committed to promoting a global plant sciences community that reflects the true diversity of all its members. To further this mission, members of the NAASC Diversity and Inclusion Leadership Committee (Dr Elizabeth Haswell , Dr Joanna Friesner ,…

Intentionally Building and Cultivating a Diverse Team
Blog, Plantae Webinars, Professional Development, Resources for Allies, Webinars
Intentionally Building and Cultivating a Diverse Team
Recorded May 15, 2019
About This Webinar
Diversity in teams drives creativity and innovation, and it delivers better results. In this webinar, we explore the wide range of dimensions of diversity in the sciences and discuss how to be intentional…