What We're Reading: May 19th
Blog, Research, Research Blog0 Comments
Special Issue: Legumes – From Food Security to Climate Change
The April issue of J. Exp. Bot is a special issue on Legumes. The Editorial introduction, by Considine et al. (10.1093/jxb/erx099) observes that grain legumes “will form a cornerstone of future food and nutritional security and a global…

The New Plantae: Growing Stronger Together
Blog, ResearchYou asked - we listened! In early June, Plantae will transform into a more collaborative, intuitive workspace for the plant science community.
We can’t wait to show you and have you explore the new site! Look out for a VIP invite with instructions - coming on June 9 - and get ready for something…

Australia's giant parasitic Christmas tree, with blades sharp enough to cut telephone wire
Blog, Education, Education General, Education General PublicHere's a fascinating plant in honor of Fascination of Plants Day #PlantDay
By Tim Low, published in Australian Geographic
AUSTRALIA HAS A PARASITE believed to be the largest in the world, a tree whose greedy roots stab victims up to 110m away. The Christmas tree (Nuytsia floribunda) has blades…

Plant Scientists in the Wild (#FoPD)
Blog, Education, Education General, Education General PublicGuest post by Emily Larson @erlarson_phd and Maria Papanatsiou @m_papanatsiou, postdocs at the University of Glasgow, Scotland
If there is one stereotype about some scientists that contains a shred of truth it is that we are definitely indoor kids – at least professionally speaking. We spend a…

What We're Reading: May 12th
Blog, Research, Research BlogReview: Synthetic biology approaches for the production of plant metabolites in unicellular organisms ($)
This excellent review by Moses et al. starts by defining the oft-confused terms metabolite engineering and systems biology. Although systems biology can contribute to the former, it is distinguished…

Scientific integrity resource guide
Blog, Careers, Skills and AdviceAbstract
Scientific integrity is at the forefront of the scientific research enterprise. This paper provides an overview of key existing efforts on scientific integrity by federal agencies, foundations, nonprofit organizations, professional societies, and academia from 1989 to April 2016. It serves…

Plantae Community - The Next Generation: Coming Soon
Blog, Research BlogWe’re excited to announce that in early June, our online community (community.plantae.org), will be maturing into a more collaborative, intuitive workspace for plant scientists to explore.
Over the last few months, we’ve been gathering your user feedback and are upgrading the site to incorporate…

Plant Cell papers get cited: non-citation rate is zero
Blog, Research, Research Blog, The Plant Cell, The Plant Cell: Newsby Nan Eckardt, Senior Features Editor, The Plant Cell [email protected]
Update 5/9/2017: So I couldn’t get that poor paper out of my mind – the only one pubished in The Plant Cell prior to 2015 that, apparently, had received zero citations to date, and decided to double-check. Turns out the…

Recognizing featured Plant Cell first authors, March and April 2017
Blog, Profiles of Plant Scientists, The Plant Cell, The Plant Cell: Author Profiles
Rakesh David, featured first author of Transcriptome-wide Mapping of RNA 5-Methylcytosine in Arabidopsis mRNAs and non-coding RNAs
Current Position: Postdoctoral Fellow, ARC Centre of Excellence in Plant Energy Biology, University of Adelaide.
Education: PhD, Plant Molecular Biology, Plant Science…