CarboTag for live-imaging of plant cell walls

Recently, we have gained tremendous insights through live-cell imaging using fluorescent tags that bind specifically to various cellular components. Here, Besten et al. present a new set of cell wall-specific tags that bind specifically to cell walls and reveal selected wall properties. The authors developed a non-toxic, boron-based synthetic molecule, CarboTag, that binds to cell walls and can be linked to a variety of fluorophores. Because it does not require tissue fixation, it can be used for live-cell imaging. Furthermore, it works in a wide range of plants and even green and brown algae. Although it’s not completely clear what CarboTag binds to, evidence suggest it binds to hydrated carbohydrate hydrogels such as pectin, agar, and alginate. The authors also developed markers to visualize cell wall porosity, apoplastic pH, and ROS in cell walls. (Summary by Mary Williams @PlantTeaching) bioRxiv