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CarboTag for live-imaging of plant cell walls

Recently, we have gained tremendous insights through live-cell imaging using fluorescent tags that bind specifically to various cellular components. Here, Besten et al. present a new set of cell wall-specific tags that bind specifically to cell walls and reveal selected wall properties. The authors developed…

Staining starch granules in living plants

Starch granules are synthesized in the leaves of chloroplast during the day and degraded in the subsequent night. To visualise starch granules the tissue usually has to be fixed, which prevents live imaging. Here Ichikawa et al. set out to find a highly specific dye to image starch granules in living…

High temperature and heredity

Joke De Jaeger-Braet & Arp Schnittger, Institute of Plant Science and Microbiology, Department of Developmental Biology, University of Hamburg, Germany De Jaeger-Braet and colleagues explore the effects of high temperatures on meiotic recombination in Arabidopsis. Background: One of the hidden,…