Entries by Mary Williams

Plant Science Research Weekly: June 5th

Review: Functions of anionic lipids in plants Moving materials within and out of cells requires that membranes carry identification labels, but when the membrane itself moves, that ID label must be updated. These requirements are met ingeniously by the anionic lipids, which are both a modifiable information system and simultaneously modify the physicochemical properties of […]

Horizontal gene transfer of Fhb7 from fungus underlies Fusarium head blight resistance in wheat (Science)

Mycotoxins are fungal toxins with harmful health effects on humans and other animals. Fusarium head blight is a fungal disease of wheat inflorescences that can contaminate the grain and harm its consumers. Previously, Fhb7 was identified in the wheat relative Thinopyrum elongatum as a quantitative trait locus that confers resistance to Fusarium species. Here, Wang […]

Plant Science Research Weekly: May 29th

Review: The bHLH network underlying plant shade-avoidance Shade avoidance is a complex phenomenon in which plants avoid shade by altering their developmental program in various ways including early flowering, hypocotyl elongation, and more. Many photoreceptors and transcription factors (TFs) are involved in regulating shade avoidance, including the bHLH (basic helix loop helix) TF family that […]

The Future of Our Food Systems: Insights into GMOs. Part II

Science communication and outreach initiative aimed at high-school students By Conviron Scholar Sessen Daniel Genetic modification technology is a key asset for enhancing crop characteristics and building more efficient, resilient and inclusive agricultural systems. Increased yield, resistance to emerging diseases and pests, tolerance to environmental pressures and higher nutritional quality are examples of instrumental plant features […]

Review: Devastating intimacy: the cell biology of plant–Phytophthora interactions (New Phytol)

Phytophthora are plant-destroying oomycetes. Within this genus are several infamous disease-causing agents: P. infestans of the potato late-blight fame, P. sojae of soybean root rot, P. ramorum of sudden oak death, and many other lesser-known species. This fine new review by Boevink et al. explores the cellular interface between host and Phytophthora pathogens. One of […]

Review: Enzymes as parts in need of replacement – and how to extend their working life (Trends Plant Sci)

The ability of biological systems to self-repair is a huge motivator in all sorts of synthetic biology projects. Taking this cell-as-factory to the next step comes the question of how often do the parts need replacing? Tivendale et al. address this through a discussion of Catalytic Cycles until Replacement (CCR). CCR is determined by both […]

Plant Science Research Weekly: May 22nd

Review: Devastating intimacy: the cell biology of plant–Phytophthora interactions Phytophthora are plant-destroying oomycetes. Within this genus are several infamous disease-causing agents: P. infestans of the potato late-blight fame, P. sojae of soybean root rot, P. ramorum of sudden oak death, and many other lesser-known species. This fine new review by Boevink et al. explores the […]