Entries by Mary Williams

Perspective: Multiplying the efficiency and impact of biofortification through metabolic engineering (Nature Comms.)

As heterotrophs, we are what we eat. One of the UN Sustainable Development Goals is to end all forms of hunger, including the “hidden hunger” that results from nutrient deficiencies. Van Der Straeten et al. provide an overview of biofortification strategies. They review current successes from conventional breeding, which include: zinc rice, wheat, and maize; […]

Perspective. Plant awareness disparity: A case for renaming plant blindness (Plants People Planet)

If there is one thing we agree on, it is that plants are underappreciated, leading to consequences spanning from ecosystem collapse to poor rates of funding. This effect, and efforts to remedy it, have been discussed in terms of “plant blindness”. In this Perspective, Parsley summarizes many of these proposed remedies and their impacts, but […]

Glucosylation prevents plant defense activation in phloem-feeding insects (Nature Chem. Biol.)

Brassicas produce specialized metabolites called glucosinolates that can be enzymatically converted to release toxic compounds. The catalyzing enzyme is stored in a separate subcellular compartment, so upon wounding by a herbivore the enzyme and substrate mix and release the toxin. Phloem-feeding insects insert a slender stylet into plant tissues, which has been assumed to avoid […]

Plant Science Research Weekly: October 23, 2020

Perspective: Multiplying the efficiency and impact of biofortification through metabolic engineering As heterotrophs, we are what we eat. One of the UN Sustainable Development Goals is to end all forms of hunger, including the “hidden hunger” that results from nutrient deficiencies. Van Der Straeten et al. provide an overview of biofortification strategies. They review current […]

Plantae Presents: Elizabeth Vierling and Rodrigo Gutierrez

Plantae Presents – Elizabeth Vierling and Rodrigo Gutierrez Wednesday October 21 10am EDT, 4 pm CET Elizabeth Vierling: From Chaperones to Mitochondria: Surviving Stress Elizabeth Vierling is  Professor at the University of Massachusettes Amherst and Founding Member of the ASPB Legacy Society. She majored in Botany as an undergraduate at the University of Michigan, and […]

A GRF–GIF chimeric protein improves the regeneration efficiency of transgenic plants (Nature Biotechnol.)

Producing a genetically-modified or -edited plant requires two distinct processes: DNA modification, followed by regeneration of a plant from the edited cells. The first process has been greatly enhanced by CRISPR/Cas9, but the second has continued to present challenges. Here, Debernardi et al. demonstrate a strategy to increase the rate and efficiency of plant regeneration. […]

Plant Science Research Weekly: October 16, 2020

Review: The second decade of synthetic biology: 2010–2020 I guess if this were a normal year, we’d be spending time looking back over the past decade, but Covid-19 has made anything pre-2019 seem like a different lifetime. Still, here’s a retrospective you don’t want to miss. Meng and Ellis take us on a short walk […]