Entries by Mary Williams

Productivity and agronomic potential of perennial rice

Modern rice is descended from a perennial grass, which through millennia of selection evolved into an annual “one-sow, one-harvest” crop. However, it has become apparent that perennial grains have the potential to decrease soil erosion and competition, as well as lower the labor required to produce food. Efforts to re-perennialize several crop species are ongoing, […]

Arabidopsis Framework Model version 2 predicts the effects of circadian clock misregulation

Experimental or “wet lab” biologists look at data, develop a hypothesis to explain it, test the hypothesis, and repeat. Through these approaches, our understanding of life is continually being expanded and refined. A complementary approach involves developing mathematical models to explain observations, and then testing those models by tweaking them and comparing the outputs to […]

Plant Science Research Weekly: November 18, 2022

Strategies on how to maximize the moment as a junior faculty On the academic job hunt? Bookmark this article, which provides valuable information about what to do when your search is successful. The time between getting an offer and accepting it is the most critical time for you to negotiate to get the resources you […]

Plant Physiology welcomes 19 new Assistant Features Editors to begin in 2023

By Yunde Zhao, Mike Blatt, and Mary Williams Plant Physiology initiated the Assistant Features Editor (AFE) program five years ago to help disseminate discoveries published in the journal and to train the next generation of editors and reviewers. Our AFEs are promising early-career scientists and they bring their passion for science to our journal, communicating […]

New insights into how plant cells traffic proteins into the vacuole: Role of the amphisome (J. Cell Biol.)

Some of the most fascinating questions in biology, subject to numerous Nobel Prizes, center on how all the parts of a eukaryotic cell are spatially and temporally coordinated, to allow the plethora of often incompatible functions to occur in harmony. Studies in three major systems, yeast, metazoans, and plants, reveal many commonalities arising from their […]

Plant Science Research Weekly: November 4, 2022

Update: Plant energy expenses: How to stretch the C budget Balancing the books means making sure that expenses don’t exceed income. In terms of a plant’s energy budget, most of the input comes from carbon fixed during photosynthesis. The output is much more diverse. Some fixed carbon is used for growth and stored in seeds, […]