Entries by Mary Williams

Thank you

This past year at ASPB we’ve been thinking a lot about how we can support early-career researchers no matter their career goals. One of the motivations for developing the Plantae platform has been to provide an online home for plant scientists across the globe and career spectrum, to allow informal communities and learning groups to […]

Update: Oxygen sensing and integrative stress signaling in plants

By Romy Schmidt, Daan A Weits, Claudio FJ Feulner, Joost T. van Dongen Plants grow in a dynamic environment and continuously face numerous stress conditions in parallel. This fluctuating environment pushed the evolution of extensive metabolic flexibility (Sweetlove et al., 2010; van Dongen et al., 2011). Flooding is an example of an environmental condition that […]

Update: Cytoplasmic mRNA dynamics

By Thanin Chantarachot and Julia Bailey-Serres The export of an mRNA from the nucleus to the cytoplasm begins an odyssey of dynamic regulation that determines the location, longevity and use of the transcript in the production of polypeptides by ribosomes in plant cells. Recent leveraging of mutants, imaging of fluorescent proteins and ‘omics’ of protein […]

Update on Myosin Motors: Molecular Mechanisms and Physiological Functions

By Jennifer M Ryan and Andreas Nebenfuehr The cytoskeleton is the main organizing principle that defines not only the distribution of cellular components within cells but also the overall shape and growth pattern of cells and entire multicellular organisms. This function is particularly evident in plant cells where, for example, the organization of cortical microtubules […]

Update: Nuclear Cap-Binding Complex in Abiotic Stress Responses

By Agata Daszkowska-Golec The nuclear cap-binding 16 complex (nCBC) in higher eukaryotes specifically binds to the monomethylated (7-methylguanosine (m717 GpppN)) cap structure at the 5¢ end of freshly transcribed mRNA. In addition to protecting mRNAs from degradation by exonucleases, the nCBC functions in transcription, polyadenylation, splicing, miRNA biogenesis and the nuclear export of capped RNAs. […]

Update: ROP GTPases structure-function and signaling pathways

By Gil Feiguelman, Ying Fu, and Shaul Yalovsky Introduction Rho of Plants (ROP) proteins also known as RACs are the plant specific subfamily of Rho small GTP binding proteins, referred to here as small G proteins (Zheng and Yang, 2000; Brembu et al., 2006; Elias and Klimes, 2012). Like other members of the Ras superfamily […]

J. Exp. Bot. Special Issue. The plant cuticle: old challenges, new perspectives ($)

The cuticle is a cell-wall polymer that protects against desiccation, pathogens and UV light.  Domínguez et al. provide an open-access editorial that describes this fine collection of articles covering all aspects of the plant cuticle, from its evolutionary origins to its ecological significance. Within the issue, article topics include the role of the cuticle in […]

EIN3 and PIF3 interdependently repress chloroplast development in buried seedlings

During embryogenesis, plastids arrest their differentiation as etioplasts (characterized by the distinctive prolamellar bodies, PLBs), and remain poised  to complete their differentiation into functioning chloroplasts upon exposure to light. Liu et al. explored the factors that interact to effect this developmental pausing. Previously, the transcription factors EIN3 and PIF3 have each been shown to repress […]