Entries by Mary Williams

Phytophthora effector exploits host susceptibility factor NRL1 (PNAS)

Some pathogen effectors disarm a plant’s immunity directly, for example through targeting resistance genes, whereas others work indirectly, through the plants own susceptibility (S) factors. He et al. provide an example of the latter. Previously, the authors showed that the Phytophthora infestans effector Pi02860 interacts with NRL1, a host S factor that is required for […]

Carbon storage and land-use strategies in agricultural landscapes across three continents (Curr. Biol.)

As we face increasingly odd weather patterns resulting from elevated CO2 emissions to the atmosphere, the question of how best to balance the need to produce food with the desire to minimize CO2 emissions becomes increasingly urgent. Williams et al. compared the effects of different types of land-use strategies on above-ground carbon stocks. They found […]

What We’re Reading: August 3rd

Review: MYBs drive novel consumer traits in fruits and vegetables The MYB transcription factors, specifically the R2R3 family of MYBs, are closely associated with the regulation of anthocyanin biosynthesis. This easy-to-score trait made MYBs some of the earliest characterized plant transcription factors. Allan and Espley summarize the contributions of MYBs to pigmentation in flowers, fruits, […]

Recognizing Plant Physiology first authors: Jianping Yu

Jianping Yu, first author of Natural Variation in OsLG3 Increases Drought Tolerance in Rice by Inducing ROS Scavenging Current Position: Postdoctoral fellow in Institute of Genetics and Developmental Biology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, China. Education: Ph. D., China Agricultural University Non-scientific Interests: Playing basketball Brief bio: Jianping got his PhD in 2017 from the […]

Recognizing Plant Physiology first authors: Haiyan Xiong

Haiyan Xiong, first author of Natural Variation in OsLG3 Increases Drought Tolerance in Rice by Inducing ROS Scavenging Current Position: Postdoctoral fellow in the Department of Plant Science, University of Cambridge, UK. Education: Ph.D., China Agricultural University Non-scientific Interests: Traveling, reading Brief bio: Haiyan got her PhD in 2014 from the Department of Plant Genetics and Breeding […]

Recognizing Plant Physiology first authors: Juan Ignacio Cagnola

Juan Ignacio Cagnola, first author of Long-day photoperiod enhances jasmonic acid-related plant defense Current Position: Post-Doctoral position at IFEVA-CONICET, Faculty of Agronomy, University of Buenos Aires (Argentina). Education: Doctor of Agronomic Science, Faculty of Agronomy, University of Buenos Aires. Non-scientific Interests: Woodwork, aeronautics and space, football and building toys. Brief bio: Graduated as an agronomist (2008) and Doctor of Agronomic […]

Recognizing Plant Physiology first authors: Guoliang Yuan

Guoliang Yuan, first author of PROTEIN PHOSHATASE 2A B’α and β maintain centromeric sister chromatid cohesion during meiosis in Arabidopsis Current Position: PhD student, Department Plant and Crop, Faculty of Bioscience Engineering, Ghent University Education: Master of Landscape Architecture, Zhejiang University Non-scientific Interests: Movies, basketball, swimming, travelling Brief bio: I started to learn biology with my bachelor’s […]

Plants4Kids: By Anna N. Stepanova, North Carolina State University

Young children are curious by nature and their inquisitive minds are like sponges that take in everything that is happening around them.  As a parent, a scientist, and an educator, I feel that my role is to teach children the basic rules of life in a fun and accessible way, while nurturing kids’ natural curiosity […]

What We’re Reading: July 27th

News: CRISPR gene-edited plants subject to same restrictions as GMO plants On 25 July, the European Court of Justice ruled that “Organisms obtained by mutagenesis are GMOs and are, in principle, subject to the obligations laid down by the GMO Directive,” and “The Court of Justice takes the view, first of all, that organisms obtained […]