Recognizing Plant Physiology first authors: Juan Ignacio Cagnola

Juan Ignacio Cagnola, first author of Long-day photoperiod enhances jasmonic acid-related plant defense

Current Position: Post-Doctoral position at IFEVA-CONICET, Faculty of Agronomy, University of Buenos Aires (Argentina).

Education: Doctor of Agronomic Science, Faculty of Agronomy, University of Buenos Aires.

Non-scientific Interests: Woodwork, aeronautics and space, football and building toys.

Brief bio: Graduated as an agronomist (2008) and Doctor of Agronomic Sciences (2013) at the University of Buenos Aires. Since his beginnings, he has worked on plant responses to environmental light-signals in the laboratory of Dr. Jorge J. Casal. His approaches integrate molecular mechanisms that control growth and development responses of plants and crops. He has worked on growth responses to low R:FR in tomato plants, photoperiodic regulation of flowering time adjustment and plant defenses in arabidopsis, and kernel abortion under drought and high plant population (low R:FR) conditions in maize. Currently, he studies the effect of high population (shade) and temperature on grain-crops growth and development.