Entries by Magdalena Julkowska

Biosynthesis of redox active metabolites in response to iron deficiency in plants (Nature Chem Biol)

Iron is an essential but poorly bioavailable micronutrient that serves as a co-factor in many processes involved in electron- or oxygen-transfer. Land-plants evolved at least two distinct mechanism for iron uptake based on chelation of iron by phytosiderophores, that are produced only by grasses, or acidification of the rhizosphere and enzymatic reduction of iron chelates […]

Dysregulation of expression correlates with rare-allele burden and fitness loss in maize ($) (Nature)

Deleterious mutations often underlie disease susceptibility and reduced fitness, but are very difficult to study due to their low frequency in the population. Maize is a great system for studying deleterious mutations because of high genetic diversity and the rapid decay in genetic linkage, enabling high resolution mapping of rare and common alleles.  Kremling and […]

Evolutionary history resolves global organization of root functional traits ($) (Nature)

Roots differ in their form and function, as they need to compete for water and nutrients in the wide range of environment. Although we are starting to understand some adaptive aspects of individual root morphology features, the adaptive features of root organization are still poorly understood. Ma and colleagues evaluated the roots of 369 species […]

FERONIA rmaintains cell-wall integrity during salt stress through Ca2+ signaling (Curr. Biol.)

Growing plant cells need to loosen up their cell walls while maintaining their integrity. This process gets trickier when plants are exposed to salt stress. Feng et al. describe the important role of the plasma membrane-localized receptor-like kinase FERONIA in restoring growth and cell wall integrity after exposure to salinity. FERONIA mutants showed high rate […]

Control of retrograde signaling by rapid turnover of GENOMES UNCOUPLED 1 (Plant Physiol.)

Communication between chloroplast and the nucleus is crucial to accomodate changes in the environment as well as regulate development of the chloroplast itself. Five GENOMES UNCOUPLED (GUN2 to -6) genes were previously described to regulate plastid-to-nucleus communication by affecting the synthesis of tetrapyrrole, constituting the active core of chlorophyll. GUN1 does not affect tetrapyrrole biosynthesis. […]

Genetic conservation, turnover and innovation across the genus Oryza (Nature Genetics)

In order to use wild rice relatives for future crop improvement, the differences and similarities between wild and domesticated genomes need to be understood. Stein and colleagues sequenced the genomes of two domesticated varieties and seven wild species, unraveling 15 million years of evolutionary history driven by natural selection and human domestication. The diversity of […]

Chemical hijacking of auxin signaling with an engineered auxin–TIR1 pair ($) (Nature Chemical Biology)

Gene redundancy and/or developmental defects of higher order mutants make it hard to study the role of individual components of auxin signaling. Structural biology approach can provide a detour that circumvents endogenous auxin signaling. Removing of the phenyl moiety of F79 in the auxin receptor TIR1 introduces a concavity that disables auxin binding. However, this […]

Stochastic gene expression in Arabidopsis thaliana

Biology is a noisy act, as the expression of the same gene in the cells of the same tissue differs. This noise can be divided into intrinsic noise, due to inherent stochasticity of molecular processes, and extrinsic noise, indicating differences between the neighboring cells. Schultheiß Araújo and colleagues used NLS-YFP / -CFP driven by 35S […]

Verification of Arabidopsis stock collections using SNPmatch, a tool for genotyping high-plexed samples

Experiments using large germplasm collections are prone to contamination. With dropping sequencing costs, it becomes easier to validate the genotype using minimal sequencing coverage. Pisupati and colleagues developed an open-source python pipeline, called SNPmatch, allowing identification of 930 Arabidopsis accessions from 1001 Genomes panel, based on 2,000 SNPs obtained by sequencing with minimal genome coverage. […]