ASPB at PAG2020

ASPB is supporting the Plant and Animal genome conference (PAG) as an exhibitor. It’s a great opportunity for us to meet members of the community and share news about our journals, the benefits of membership and Plantae_org. On Sunday, we set up the exhibit space, from boxes to a beautiful, functional home-away from home for Mary Williams, Katie Rogers and Maddie Grant.

The Editors-in-Chief of Plant Direct (Ivan Baxter) The Plant Cell (Blake Meyers) are here to meet with prospective authors.


Day 2. We’re catching our breath after a very busy second day. Today’s chats included several suggestions for topics off interest for our Plantae webinars, and some volunteers who want to be webinar speakers. We also shared information about our ASPB Ambassador and Plantae Fellows programs (applications due Jan 31 and Feb 1, respectively).

We also shared information about ASPB membership, resources for education and outreach, and Teaching Tools in Plant Biology.

Day 3.  The final day we spent a lot of time talking with visitors about our mentoring program, the upcoming Plant Biology meeting in Washington DC, and the Plant BLOOME educational grant program. Then it was time to pack our boxes and get ready to return home for business as usual. We hope to see you soon at future meetings! Thanks for all of the excellent chats and questions.