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Abir Igamberdiev: Plant Physiology Author

Abir Igamberdiev, first author of “Mitochondria in photosynthetic cells: Coordinating redox control and energy balance” Current Position: Professor at Memorial University of Newfoundland in St. John’s, Newfoundland, Canada Education: PhD and Doctor of Science (habilitation) in Plant Physiology…

Guang-Qi He: Plant Physiology First Author

Guang-Qi He, first author of "Dissection of the Pearl of Csaba pedigree identifies key genomic segments related to early-ripening in grape" Current Position: Master student in College of Horticulture and Plant Protection, Henan University of Science and Technology Education: Bachelor of Horticulture,…

Katelyn H McKown: The Plant Cell First Author

Katelyn H McKown, first author of "Expanded roles and divergent regulation of FAMA in Brachypodium and Arabidopsis stomatal development" Current Position: Lecturer in the Civic, Liberal, and Global Education program at Stanford University Education: B.S. with honors in Biology (Stanford University),…

Zi-Wen Ren: Plant Physiology First Author

Zi-Wen Ren, first author of "Fast X-ray fluorescence microscopy (µ-XRF) provides a high-throughput phenotyping platform for element distribution in seeds" Current Position: PhD candidate in Agricultural Resources and Environment, College of Resources and Environmental Sciences, Nanjing Agricultural…

Mingjing Wang: Plant Physiology First Author

Mingjing Wang, first author of "SYNTAXIN OF PLANTS 81 Regulates Root Meristem Activity and Stem Cell Niche Maintenance via ROS Signaling" Current Position: ZHEJIANG LAB, Researcher Assistant Education: Ph.D. in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Northeast Forestry University, June 2022 Non-scientific…