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Plant Science Research Weekly: May 27th, 2022

Systematic characterization of gene function in the photosynthetic alga Chlamydomonas reinhardtii The green alga Chlamydomonas reinhardtii is a useful model system to study photosynthetic organisms, as this single-celled species allows for more high-throughput methods than in multicellular plants,…

Young-Joon Park: The Plant Cell First Author

Young-Joon Park, first author of "SMAX1 potentiates phytochrome B-mediated hypocotyl thermomorphogenesis" Current Position: Post-doctoral researcher, Molecular Signaling Laboratory, Department of Chemistry, Seoul National University, South Korea Education: Ph.D., Molecular Signaling Laboratory,…

Ruihua Huang: The Plant Cell First Author

Ruihua Huang, first author of "BLISTER promotes seed maturation and fatty acid biosynthesis by interacting with WRINKLED1 to regulate chromatin dynamics in Arabidopsis" Current Position: Postdoctor in South China Normal University Education:  PhD’s degrees in South China Normal University Non-scientific…