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Lise Noack: The Plant Cell First Author

Lise Noack first author of "A nanodomain-anchored scaffolding complex is required for the function and localization of phosphatidylinositol 4-kinase alpha in plants" Current Position: Postdoc in Prof. Staffan Persson’s lab at department of Plant and Environmental Sciences, University of Copenhagen Education:…

Yuanpeng Xu: Plant Physiology First Author

Yuanpeng Xu first author of "Phytophthora sojae apoplastic effector AEP1 mediates sugar uptake by mutarotation of extracellular aldose and is recognized as a MAMP" Current Position: PhD candidate. Wang Yuanchao’s group in Nanjing Agricultural University. Education: 2011-2015, Nanjing Agricultural…

Ji-Yun Kim: Plant Physiology First Author

Ji-Yun Kim, first author of "Cellular export of sugars and amino acids: Role in feeding other cells and organisms" Current Position:  Group leader at the Institute of Molecular Physiology, Heinrich Heine University (HHU), Düsseldorf Education: BS/MS/Ph.D. in Biological Sciences at Seoul National…

LEAPing ahead? 

ASPB has submitted a proposal to the NSF (National Science Foundation in response to their recent Dear Colleagues Letter (a DCL is a way to communicate about new or special funding opportunities). The purpose of this DCL was to encourage professional societies to “develop collaborative networks…

Said Hafidh: The Plant Cell First Author

Said Hafidh, co-first author of "LARP6C orchestrates post-transcriptional reprogramming of gene expression during hydration to promote pollen tube guidance" Current Position: Senior Research Fellow in Pollen Biology Lab of prof. David Honys at the Institute of Experimental Botany, Prague. Education:…

Elodie Billey: The Plant Cell First Author

Elodie Billey, co-first author of "LARP6C orchestrates post-transcriptional reprogramming of gene expression during hydration to promote pollen tube guidance" Current Position: Researcher in Microalgae Engineering, TOTAL Refining & Chemicals, France.  Education: Ph.D. Plant Biology from University…