High-frequency random DNA insertions upon co-delivery of CRISPR-Cas9 ribonucleoprotein and selectable marker plasmid in rice (Sci Reports)
Plant Science Research WeeklyGenome editing through CRISPR/Cas9 holds so much promise for plant breeders, including potentially the ability to overcome the public’s displeasure with conventional GMOs. Still, the gene-editing RNAs and enzymes must get into the plant cell in order to work. Banakar et al. have compared three methods…
Plant Science Research Weekly: January 10
Blog, WWR Full PostReview. Diatom molecular research comes of age: Model species for studying phytoplankton biology and diversity
Diatoms are photosynthetic eukaryotes and contribute substantially to global carbon fixation. They are distantly related to green plants, having shared the same primary endosymbiotic event,…
A membrane-bound cellulase in time and space
Research, The Plant Cell, The Plant Cell: In a NutshellNagashima et al. investigate molecular mechanisms for the sorting of a membrane protein KORRIGAN 1 (KOR1) in plant cells.
Plant Cell https://doi.org/10.1105/tpc.19.00714
By Y. Nagashima1, and H. Koiwa1,2
1Vegetable and Fruit Improvement Center and Department of Horticultural Sciences, Texas…
Recognizing Plant Direct first authors: Meng Xie
Plant Direct, Plant Direct: Author ProfilesMeng Xie, first author of Identification of functional single nucleotide polymorphism of Populus trichocarpa PtrEPSP-TF and determination of its transcriptional effect
Current Position: Postdoctoral Associate, Center for Bioenergy Innovation, Oak Ridge National Laboratory; Department of Plant Sciences,…
Recognizing Plant Cell authors: Yasuhito Sakuraba
The Plant Cell, The Plant Cell: Author ProfilesYasuhito Sakuraba, first author of Multilayered regulation of membrane-bound ONAC054 is essential for abscisic acid-induced leaf senescence in rice
Current Position: Professor (Assistant), Biotechnology Research Center, The University of Tokyo, Japan
Education: Ph.D. in Life Science, Hokkaido University,…
Recognizing Plant Physiology authors: Qi Li
Plant Physiology, Plant Physiology: Author ProfilesQi Li, first author of Perception of damaged self in plants
Current Position: Postdoc at University of Florida
Education: BS and PhD in Shandong Agricultural University
Non-scientific Interests: music, running, hiking
Brief bio: I am a postdoctoral associated at University of Florida, supervised…
Recognizing Plant Cell authors: Kyaw Aung
The Plant Cell, The Plant Cell: Author ProfilesKyaw Aung, first author of Pathogenic bacteria target plant plasmodesmata to colonize and invade surrounding tissues
Current Position: Assistant Professor
Education: PhD in Plant Biology from Michigan State University, MS and BS in Horticulture from National Chung Hsing University, Taiwan
Recognizing Plant Direct authors: Cindy M. Munoz
Plant Direct, Plant Direct: Author ProfilesCindy M. Munoz, first author of Dimensionless Numbers to Study Cell Wall Deformation of Stiff Mutants of Phycomyces blakesleeanus
Current Position: Faculty in Mechanical Engineering, College of Engineering, Design, and Computing, University of Colorado Denver, Denver, Colorado
Recognizing Plant Physiology authors: Wengui Lin
Plant Physiology, Plant Physiology: Author ProfilesWengui Lin, co-first author of Analysis of Soybean Long Non-coding RNAs Reveals a Subset of Small Peptide-Coding Transcripts
Current Position: PhD candidate
Education: 2011 – 2015 Northeastern University, Bachelor degree; 2015 – Present The Chinese University of Hong Kong, PhD candidate