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Plant Science Research Weekly: April 12th

Review: Copy Number Variations shaping plant domestication Human-associated plant domestication is a co-evolutionary process that began at least 12,000 years ago. However, the genetic variations underlying many domestication traits are still unknown. In this review, Lye and Purugganan discuss how…

Interviews with synthetic biologists: Guillaume Barbier

Synthetic biology is a set of tools, a way of thinking, the integration of engineering principles into biological sciences, and potentially the biggest opportunity for advances in plant sciences since PCR. Yet many struggle to define it, and fewer still grasp its full potential. Now, four early-career…

Everything Orchids Blog

ASPB Conviron Scholar Independent Project Created by Jen Schmidt As a way to combine my love of plants and writing, I started an informal blog called Everything Orchids.  Most of my blog posts cover practical tips for raising orchids as well as interesting plant biology facts.  I also cover some…