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Develop your own niche to be seen in the field

Part of the Self-Reflection; series by and for early-career researchers We all are different. We all like different things. We all think, behave and react differently. Therefore to suggest a list, to actions to follow with the aim to develop a niche and instruct how to be noticed in…

59th Annual JSPP meeting

a short review from Hokkaido, Japan This year’s annual meeting of Japanese Society of Plant Physiologists (JSPP) was in the northern part of Japan, Sapporo city, from 28 – 30 March. It’s comparatively colder region compared to the last year’s venue, Kagoshima. Sapporo is the capital of…

DNA methylation dynamics during early plant life

DNA methylation is extensively reprogrammed in the early embryo and germlines of mammals, whereas flowering plants do not show such extensive resetting except in the endosperm. Active DNA demethylation in the central cell and reduced activity of DNA methyltransferases leads to global hypomethylation…

What We're Reading: April 20th

This week’s issue of What We’re Reading is guest edited by Sunil Kumar Kenchanmane Raju, a postdoc in Chad Niederhuth's lab at Michigan State University. He is interested in understanding the epigenetic and epigenomic diversity across land plants. Sunil is a postdoc ambassador of ASPB and social…