Stories Plantarum E6: Saving the Forest Through the Trees Transcript
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Image Description: Graphic is a white rectangle with a green border that says "Stories Plantarum Ep. 6: Saving the Forest Through the Trees" over the Stories Plantarum logo, an icon of an open book with a plant growing from it. On the left side is an image of the cover of The Lorax by Dr. Seuss. On the…

Stories Plantarum E5: Upside Down and Underground Transcript
BlogImage Description: Graphic is a white rectangle with a green border that says "Stories Plantarum Ep. 5 Upside Down and Underground" over the Stories Plantarum logo, an icon of an open book with a plant growing from it. On the left side is an image of the Demogorgon from Netlfix's Stranger Things. On…

Love sci-fi, fantasy, and plants? Check out the Stories Plantarum Podcast!
BlogJourney into the realm of fictional plants and their weird and wacky real-life counterparts
Image Description: Graphic is a white square with a green border that says "Stories Plantarum" over the Stories Plantarum logo, an icon of an open book with a plant growing from it.
Calling all sci-fi and fantasy…

Stories Plantarum E4: Deadly Dreams Transcript
BlogImage Description: Graphic is a white rectangle with a green border that says "Stories Plantarum Ep. 4 Deadly Dreams" over the Stories Plantarum logo, an icon of an open book with a plant growing from it. On the left side is a cartoon depiction of the Black Mercy from the DC Comics Universe. On the right…

Stories Plantarum E3: Hidden Giants Transcript
BlogImage Description: Graphic is a white rectangle with a green border that says "Stories Plantarum Ep. 3 Hidden Giants" over the Stories Plantarum logo, an icon of an open book with a plant growing from it. On the left side is a drawing of the X-Men character Krakoa. On the right side is an image of a…

Stories Plantarum E2: Tall wood, old wood, Redwood, Goldwood Transcript
BlogImage Description: Graphic is a white rectangle with a green border that says "Stories Plantarum Ep. 1 Big wood, old wood, Redwood, Gold wood" over the Stories Plantarum logo, an icon of an open book with a plant growing from it. On the left side is a drawing of a Mallorn grove from The Lord of the Rings.…

Stories Plantarum E1: Vampire Vines Transcript
BlogImage Description: Graphic is a white rectangle with a green border that says "Stories Plantarum Ep. 1 Vampire Vines" over the Stories Plantarum logo, an icon of an open book with a plant growing from it. On the left side is a drawing of an alien ship from the movie War of the Worlds. On the right side…