Review: Nitrogen sensing in plants ($)
Plant Science Research Weekly, Research0 Comments
Like other organisms, plants have developed mechanisms to sense and respond to changes in the availability of nutrients. Nitrogen (N), being very essential for the growth and development of plants, must also be strongly monitored by plants. N sensing and signaling in plants are highly researched topics,…

Review: Stomatal development in time: the past and the future ($)
Plant Science Research Weekly, ResearchStomata, epidermal pores for gas exchange, first appeared about 400 million years ago. Since then, there has been functional and structural diversification. Qu et al. synthesize the developmental genetics underpinning diverse stomata, spanning from bryophytes through monocots and the astomatous (without…

Meeting Review: Auxin 2016 ($)
Plant Science Research Weekly, ResearchVernoux and Robert discuss research presented at the Auxin 2016 meeting, held in October 2016 on the island of Hainan, China. The result is a nice review of very current research, spanning auxin metabolism and signaling, the role of auxin in development, interactions between auxin and other signals,…

Perspective: Periodic lateral root priming: What makes it tick
Plant Science Research Weekly, ResearchThe very earliest step in lateral root formation is “priming”, a still-elusive process that establishes a subset of cells as competent to form lateral roots. In this Perspective, ten Tusscher and Laskowski review evidence for priming, which involves oscillations of auxin level or responsiveness…

Immunity at hydathodes controls bacterial infection ($)
Plant Science Research Weekly, ResearchHydathodes are the sites of guttation, which is a process by which water and solutes are pushed out of leaves by the force of root pressure when the rate of transpiration is low (for example at night). Hydathodes have numerous stomata-like pores and are located near vascular ends. Like stomata, hydathodes…

Review: Rapid long-distance signaling with Ca2+, ROS and electrical signals ($)
Plant Science Research Weekly, ResearchThere is ample evidence for rapid, long-distance communication within plants, but our understanding of how these signals are transmitted is incomplete. Choi et al. review recent advances in intercellular signal propagation via Ca2+, reactive oxygen species (ROS) and electrical signals; these “fast”…

Electrical and hormonal signals of prey capture in sundew ($)
Plant Science Research Weekly, ResearchWithout eyes, mouths or noses, how do carnivorous plants know that they’ve captured prey? Previous studies in various carnivorous species have shown that electrical signals as well as the jasmonate defense hormones contribute to prey detection. Krausko et al. examined these signals in leaves of the…

Contrasting phytochrome responses in wild plants
Plant Science Research Weekly, ResearchShade avoidance syndrome (SAS) is a growth pattern in which stem and petiole elongation is stimulated in plants exposed to vegetative shade, as revealed through a low ratio of red to far-red light perceived by phytochrome; red light is absorbed by chlorophyll, leading to a far-red enrichment in light…

Review: Developmental phase transitions in oxygen status ($)
Plant Science Research Weekly, ResearchHypoxia is a condition in which oxygen availability is insuffient to support normal cellular functions. Hypoxia is often associated with stress such as flooding, and responses to hypoxia include increased glycolytic activity and fermentation. Considine et al. review the role lf hypoxia and tissue oxygen…