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Sensory Plastids: a Novel Form of Specialized Plastid

Plastids differentiate into subtypes. For example, the transition of proplastids to chloroplasts defines the photosynthetic tissues within a plant, whereas amyloplasts are formed in nonphotosynthetic tissues. Recently, evidence has accumulated for a novel class of plastids that is specialized for stress…

Bridging the Gap Between Pathogen Detection and Defense Activation

Bi et al. provide a link between immune receptors and MAPK cascades. Plant Cell (2018)   By G. Bi and J.-M. Zhou Background: Plants use numerous immune receptors localized at the cell surface to detect invading pathogens. These receptors send a warning signal…

Sorbitol Modulates Apple Resistance to Alternaria

Meng et al. show that sorbitol acts as a signal regulating resistance to the fungal pathogen Alternaria alternata in apple.Plant Cell By Dong Meng, B. Gillian Turgeon and Lailiang Cheng Background: Sugars produced by photosynthesis fuel plant growth and development,…

Suns out, guns out: Plant defense responses are enhanced under long-day photoperiods ($)

As sessile organisms, plants must constantly sense and respond to a dynamic range of stimuli in their environment, which includes both the duration of light (photoperiod) and the presence of microbial invaders. In a recent article published in Plant Physiology, Cagnola et al. (2018) investigate how plant…

Defense or Disease: It’s a Matter of Timing

Mine et al. use RNA-seq to study RPS2-mediated bacterial resistance By Akira Mine, Carolin Seyfferth and Kenichi Tsuda Background: To fight against pathogens, plants can detect enemies and transduce the signal to reprogram gene expression in the cell as a defense…

Phytochrome B has Two Weapons to Disable its Interacting Proteins

Park et al. demonstrate that phytochrome B preferentially inhibits its interacting transcription factors via one of two mechanisms depending on light conditions. The Plant Cell (2018). By Eunae Park Background: Phytochrome B (phyB) is a plant photoreceptor…

Newly Discovered Abscisic Acid Transporter in Rice

Yao et al. found that OsPM1 can move the plant hormone abscisic acid into rice cells. By Lingya Yao and Xiaochun Ge Background: Abscisic acid (ABA) is an important plant hormone that regulates plant seed dormancy and stress responses, especially drought responses.…

trans-Zeatin in Shoots Drives Nitrate Systemic Signaling

Poitout et al. study how plants forage for nutrients in the soil By Arthur Poitout and Sandrine Ruffel Background: Nitrate, NO3- (the preferential nitrogen [N] source for most of higher plants) is spread unevenly in the soil due to its high mobile property,…

CDL1-OST1 Interaction as a Focal Point of Brassinosteroid-Abscisic Acid Hormone Signaling Crosstalk

Plants integrate signals in the form of light, humidity, temperature, CO2 concentrations and daily circadian rhythms. In addition, plants encounter pathogens, pests, herbivores and other stressors. Physiological processes like responding to stimuli, plant growth and development are usually governed and…