Pressed for time: Why do herbarium collections still matter in a digital world?
Plant Science Research WeeklyFor centuries, herbarium collections have provided critical data about plant species and their abundance. However, with the development of digital apps such as iNaturalist that allow citizen scientists to enter data about where plants are found, questions arise about whether herbarium collections are…

The Plant Cell is accepting applications for Assistant Features Editors
Blog, The Plant Cell, The Plant Cell: NewsAre you an early career researcher passionate about plants, writing, and science communication? The Plant Cell is accepting applications for new Assistant Features Editors (AFEs) for 2024. AFEs provide a valuable service to the journal, our authors, and the scientific community. In return, AFEs join…

Ignoring plant science: When you love the plants but not the plant science (Plants People Planet)
Plant Science Research WeeklyHave you ever heard the terms ‘zoochauvinism’, ‘plant blindness’ or ‘plant awareness disparity’? Do you know that in a Twitter poll about 30% of the participants voted plants out of wildlife? Ever noticed how important documentaries like ‘Planet Earth II’ and ‘Our Planet’ prefer animals…

Improving Outreach In Plant Science
NAASC, Resources for AlliesImproving Outreach In Plant Science- Workshop at ICAR 2021-Virtual
Jose Dinneny, Stanford (and former NAASC member) organized this workshop at ICAR 2021-Virtual. The workshop stemmed from his leadership of two NAASC activities on the topic of Outreach in Plant Science that occurred between 2018-2021,…

Letter to the editor: Creating supportive environments in academia for Black scientists to thrive
The Plant Cell, The Plant Cell: NewsThis letter by Kevin Cox, Kiona Elliott, and Taylor Harris is the 4th in our series on diversity, equity, and inclusion in STEM disciplines. Read the editorial call for letters here: Sowing the seeds of equity and diversity in academia and STEM disciplines.
Cox KL Jr, Elliott KR, Harris TM (2021) Creating…

Letter to the editor: Challenges facing LGBTQ+ early-career scientists and how to engage in changing the status quo
Blog, LGBTQ+ Plant Scientist Network, The Plant Cell, The Plant Cell: NewsThis letter by Sterling Field and Alex Rajewski is the 3rd in our series on diversity, equity, and inclusion in STEM disciplines. Read the editorial call for letters here: Sowing the seeds of equity and diversity in academia and STEM disciplines.
Field S, Rajewski A (2021). Challenges facing LGBTQ+…

Letter to the editor: Ready, primed, go: Ending the racism pandemic in science
The Plant Cell, The Plant Cell: NewsThis letter by Sona Pandey is the 2nd in our series on diversity, equity, and inclusion in STEM disciplines. Read the editorial call for letters here: Sowing the seeds of equity and diversity in academia and STEM disciplines.
Pandy, S. (2020). Ready, primed, go: Ending the racism pandemic in science.…

Letter to the editor: Planting equity: Using what we know to cultivate growth as a plant biology community
The Plant Cell, The Plant Cell: NewsThis letter by Beronda Montgomery is the 1st in our series on diversity, equity, and inclusion in STEM disciplines. Read the editorial call for letters here: Sowing the seeds of equity and diversity in academia and STEM disciplines.
Montgomery, BL (2020). Planting equity: Using what we know to cultivate…