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Plant Physiology Focus Issue: Plant Cell Polarity

The September issue of Plant Physiology has a focus on plant cell polarity, which plays a pivotal role in the fundamental processes that dictate plant growth, development, and adaptation. By establishing distinct regions within cells, plant cell polarity is crucial for regulating asymmetric cell divisions,…

Focus Issue: Biomolecular Condensates

Although The Plant Cell Focus Issue on Biomolecular Condensates officially comes out in September, due to the idiosyncrasies of publishing many of the articles are already available online, and I’m highlighting them now because this topic is also the focus of a plenary session at the Plant Biology…

Perspective: Multiple mechanism behind plant bending

Bending or folding in plants is influenced by different factors such as environmental conditions (nutrient, water, light, gravity), abiotic or biotic stress, cell wall properties, and cell differential growth. Jonsson et al. explain how bending is achieved by considering molecular mechanisms, mathematical…