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Maize Tassel Architecture

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Zhang et al. show that GIF1 regulates the determinacy of meristems and controls tassel architecture in maize. The Plant Cell (2018). Background: Plant architecture results from a balance of indeterminate and determinate cell fates. Cells with indeterminate fates…

Meiotic Crossover Formation

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Kurzbauer et al. discover a role for the Fanconi anemia D2 plant homogue in promoting meiotic crossover formation. by Marie-Therese Kurzbauer and Peter Schlögelhofer Background: Meiosis is a specialized cell division and generates the basis for genetic diversity…

Letters: Auxin and vesicle traffic (Plant Physiol)

Three letters to Plant Physiology address the role of vesicles in auxin transport, discussing the evidence and conclusions from a recently published paper from three perspectives. Does auxin accumulate in endocytic vesicles? If so, how, and why? The Letters address both the methods used and the intrepetation…