Review: CLAVATA signaling in plant-environment interactions

CLAVATA 3/EMBRYO SURROUNDING REGION-related (CLE) peptides and CLAVATA type receptors have been well charecterized for their role in root and shoot apical meristem maintenance in Arabidopsis. CLE peptides are also referred to as “peptide hormones” for their role in contolling physiological and developmental changes in plants. In this review by Bashyal et al., the roles of these peptides in regulating plant responses to various environmental stimuli is comprehensively summarized. CLAVATA signaling has diverse roles ranging from plant developmental adaptations to nutrient availability, responses to abiotic and biotic stimuli, and symbiotic relationships with rhizobia and arbuscular mycorrhiza fungi. The review also describes interesting studies on CLE-like signaling peptides from parasitic nematodes that hijack the plant-CLAVATA signaling pathway for their own benefit. The authors anticipate that future functional characterization through advanced bioinformatic tools will help in understanding how CLE-specific plant responses integrate plant physiology and the environment. (Summary by Indrani Kakati Baruah @Indranik333) Plant Physiol. 10.1093/plphys/kiad591