Celebrating 2024 Pride Month

Happy Pride Month!

We hope you have a proud and happy month celebrating the support and diversity of the LGBTQ+ plant scientist community. Our hope is we all continue to work together to cultivate an inclusive and accepting community for all plant scientists.

As part of our goal to foster community, we are thrilled to announce that our annual LGBTQ+ Plant Scientist Networking Social will take place at Plant Biology 2024! This event is proudly sponsored by Bayer. Come out and meet other LGBTQ+ and ally plant scientists, all are welcome to attend.

We believe Pride Month is both a celebration and a time to focus on our mental and physical well-being. Taking care of ourselves this month helps us to ensures we can continue our important work throughout the year. So, let’s take this month to reflect, recharge, and celebrate the diversity that strengthens our community.

In addition, please explore the current collection of posts by member LGBTQ+ Plant Scientists Network and Plantae Fellows:


If you would like to get more involved throughout the rest of the year, please reach out! We welcome all help and support to cultivate our community. Hope you have a happy and restful LGBTQ+ Pride Month!


Sterling Field, Ph.D

Lead for the LGBTQ+ Plant Scientist Network