Plant Cell EIC Sabeeha Merchant meets with Chinese plant scientists
Blog, Research, Research Blog, The Plant Cell, The Plant Cell: NewsSabeeha Merchant, Editor-in-Chief of The Plant Cell, recently spent a week in China meeting with Chinese scientists at SIPPE (Shanghai Institute of Plant Physiology and Ecology) and FAFU (Fujian Agriculturlal and Forstry University) to learn about their research. She emphasized the power of technology…

Plant Cell Editorial: Journal Impact, Brave New World
Blog, Research, Research Blog, The Plant Cell, The Plant Cell: News0 Comments
Latest news on The Plant Cell significance and editorial policies
"Larivière et al. (2016) advocate publishing frequency distribution plots of the citations to provide a clearer view of the underlying data. We agree that showing the underlying frequency distribution of citations “echoes the reasonable…

Profile of Plant Cell Editor Keiko Sugimoto
Blog, Careers - Blog, Profiles of Plant Scientists, The Plant Cell, The Plant Cell: Meet the Editors, The Plant Cell: NewsKeiko Sugimoto, an Editor of The Plant Cell, was recently profiled by her undergraduate institution.
Read more about The Plant Cell Editorial Board here.
"At the RIKEN Center for Sustainable Resource Science, the research team I lead as a Principal Investigator (PI) focuses on the two themes of…

iBiology - Magdalena Bezanilla: Understanding Cell Shape
Blog, Curated Webinars / Video Lectures, Education, The Plant Cell, The Plant Cell: News, WebinarsMagdalena is a Reviewing Editor for The Plant Cell and a Professor at UMass Amherst. Here she describes her research interests in a series of videos published by iBiology.
A set of three video lectures, published by iBiology on May 2, 2017
Part 1: Understanding cell shape: Big insights from…

Squeezing oil out of plants and into your gas tank: it's hard
Research, Research Blog, The Plant Cell, The Plant Cell: News
Here is a summary of new research published in The Plant Cell, written by Martin Vorel and published on the Michigan State University website.
Sometimes, when a science experiment doesn’t work out, unexpected opportunities open up.
That’s what Yang Yang and the Benning lab have found…

Senior Editor Jim Birchler, SEC Professor of the Year
The Plant Cell, The Plant Cell: Meet the Editors, The Plant Cell: NewsJune 1, 2017 Source http://www.thesecu.com/news/for-sec-professor-of-the-year-teaching-is-in-the-genes/
For SEC Professor of the Year, Teaching is in the Genes
Developing relationships with students has always been a priority for Dr. Jim Birchler, the 2017 SEC Professor of the Year.
By: Bryant…

Plant Cell papers get cited: non-citation rate is zero
Blog, Research, Research Blog, The Plant Cell, The Plant Cell: Newsby Nan Eckardt, Senior Features Editor, The Plant Cell [email protected]
Update 5/9/2017: So I couldn’t get that poor paper out of my mind – the only one pubished in The Plant Cell prior to 2015 that, apparently, had received zero citations to date, and decided to double-check. Turns out the…

EDITORIAL: The Plant Cell Begins Opt-in Publishing of Peer Review Reports
The Plant Cell, The Plant Cell: NewsAs of January 2017, The Plant Cell will offer authors the option of associating a Peer Review Report with each research article. Reviewer anonymity will be strictly maintained. The reports will include the major comments from reviewers and the editors’ decision letters along with the authors’ response…

Congratulations to Yoshinori Ohsumi
The Plant Cell: News
Warmest congratulations to Yoshinori Ohsumi, 2016 Nobel Laureate in Physiology or Medicine, “for his discoveries of mechanisms for autophagy”. Autophagy (self-eating) is a process through which cells selectively degrade and recycle cellular components. Ohsumi’s research has primarily focused…